i got totally dissed by my soda this morning

i didnt try it! i try to avoid sugar at all cost. i gave it to the temp here and she seems pretty excited about it. so i will report back later.
it's all right, honestly, and would probably be good if i was big into really sweet stuff. but there are dozens of better sodas out there and i'm not into sticky-sweet, so i say MEH.
I don't know about you but I'm pretty hot, and sticky-sweet. Like all the way from my head to my feet. Yeah.

And why the hell to I keep on getting logged out. It's starting to piss me off.
i tasted some pepsi blue once, and we (everyone in the car, who shared germs equally) all agreed it tasted like cotton candy, but in a nauseating kind of way.
the vanilla coke, though, is the bomb. but i love cream soda, which its taste is akin to.
yeah, Sprecher makes a good root beer. the cream soda and orange ones are good too.
for those non-midwesterners: Sprecher's a brewery in milwaukee, and they make german style beer for the most part. good beer, but i'm not a big fan of german-style beer.