I guess I should say a few words....


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Hello all,

I want to apologize to everyone for not having the news posted promptly as I announced earlier. My computer died about two hours before the press release was going out from my PR company. I also want to apologize to the previous Gold Badge members for not getting the announcement to them via email first. It would appear my hard drive is dead and I have lost the old mailing list (I only had the new purchases backed up). Rest assured, that I will be back online by the middle of next week and will catch up on email then.

Important: If you are a previous Gold Badge holder and were waiting to purchase a badge until the roster went public, you are STILL eligible to purchase them. Although my press release stated they were sold out, that was intended to the general public only. I have no way of contacting you now, so please email me asap and I will take care of you for as long as the badges last.

As for the show this year, I'm 100% excited about the roster. I feel that I have once again assembled the best prog/power roster in North America. I also realize that there are many people out there that are disappointed for various reasons. I will never be able to please everyone and that is something that you have to live with in this business. I do not take any offense at people expressing their views, especially regarding the roster choices. Music is a unique personal experience and everyone has their own favorites.

I do have to simply *sigh* when I see people questioning the actual festival and business decisions that I have to make. I am not going to defend any of my actions or selections, but simply say that I am doing what I believe is in the best interest of both the festival and my own personal well-being. Until you walk in my shoes, you will never understand what it takes to pull one of these shows off.

Take care and see you in September.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
Hello all,

I do have to simply *sigh* when I see people questioning the actual festival and business decisions that I have to make. I am not going to defend any of my actions or selections, but simply say that I am doing what I believe is in the best interest of both the festival and my own personal well-being. Until you walk in my shoes, you will never understand what it takes to pull one of these shows off.

Glenn H.

You've put together a good varied lineup including some old standbys, some new top-shelf bands, and some great up-and-comers. I really couldn't be more thrilled with the lineup. It's not as high-profile as last year's, but I truly think it'll be a better show.

Congratulations, Glenn...my vacation time is reserved, my hotel reservations are made, and I'll be up at 7A to buy my tickets on May 5th. :)

I'm one of the ones that wasn't as thrilled with the announcement, because there was so much hype after last year, and I really don't know many of the bands. Still, I'll make my concert decision after listening to all of their music a bit. I know you have no issues with this.

I'd like to say that, as a promoters and organizers go, I have never seen such honesty and efficiency in putting out a product like this. I love your upfront approach, as well as your dedication. PPIII was easily the most efficient, timely, and well produced concert I've ever attended, let alone a festival (and I've been to quite a number of both).

Finally, I hope people stop fighting and realize that they ARE allowed to criticize the lineup. Really, they are. Everyone just has to separate the lineup of ProgPower and ProgPower itself, which means you, Glenn. Outside of trolls, I sincerely doubt you can get anyone on this board or in the general ProgPower community to say one bad thing about you, professionally.

However, people will obviously have differing opinions on the music itself. As long as everyone can see a complaint about the lineup without thinking they are bashing you, things should be fine.

As for me . . . I plan on checking out these bands that everyone is talking about, and making an informed decision. Last year was run so well that I am already leaning towards going.

Thanks for listening,


Just so you know, there are 2 Dark Ones posting here (both from Philly no less). I'm in the camp that loves the lineup and your continued efforts. Thanks again for everything.

By the way Steve, I STILL had the name first, LOL.

Glenn, the only thing we do besides attending Progpower is to thank you for bringing another ProgPower to us. As I said a million times before, you deserve our presence there more than any band in the world. YOU FUCKING RULE!
All i have to say is I knew Nightwish, Symphony X, Evergrey, Secret Sphere & Rage.. not a big Rage fan... now I'm anxiously awaiting to see Circle II Circle (didnt know zak had a new band), Mercenary and Pagan's Mind.. Vanden Plas I'll have to find some more material to peek at. Redemption, not my cupa tea..

I'm there.. just like last year and hopefully every year after.

If it wasn't for this festival.. this forum and most of these poeple.. I'd never have heard some of these cool bands.

Progpower has the best mix of bands, best quality production, and best crowd of any concert/festival I have ever attended (which is alot by 39 yrs of age). Glenn's lineups continue to amaze me, and I look forward to the bands I know nothing about, because Glenn doesn't book bullshit.

Every time you post and every time you put on a production you continue to remind me and others what a heck of a class act you truly are. And no that is not just a suck up ;) You have put so much on the line to be able to bring Prog Power to the US and do it successfully. Granted you did not book MY 10 fave bands..but there is enough diversity there for everyone if they would stop acting like spoiled kids. Get the paddle out ;)

GOod Luck with Prog Power 4 ..sounds like a smoker!
Glenn, I've said it before and I'll say it again (in case some folks weren't listening): YOU ARE DA MAN!!! :rock:

After attending all the other festivals, I can safely say that I trust your judgment implicitly, and will continue to buy my gold badge blindly. Even if you book 10 bands I've never heard of, I am quite certain that there will be at least two that knock my socks off, and quite a few others that pique my interest. And if nothing else, the chance for a dysfunctional family reunion is something not to be missed! My only bitch is that it goes by way too quickly, and suddenly we're all getting into cars or heading off to the airport to resume the drudgery of real life...until the next year ;)

To those that bitch about the bands - deal with it. It could be worse, there could be NO ProgPower at all. Open your minds to new experiences and you just might be pleasantly surprised.

See you in September!!!!! WOOOOOOOO! :grin:
