I guess Wazoo is going to be happy about this

"Certain parts are contracting, others are expanding. This sets up internal forces within the biscuit and it effectively self-destructs."

I'm in love with this sentence.
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Isn't it fascinating that people's work and research actually has to do with cookies? Isn't it? :Spin:
Wazoo, I found the perfect date for you.

Behold, the Cookie Mongoloid:




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OMG I only just noticed this thread u_u,, :-o
@Delirious: Swedish understanding too? ;)

:lol: :lol: I love it
@Thanny: Wooooooh! :D :D Thank you :) :) It's really cool
@Siren: Owww, tis :) :)
@Arch: :-o Cookiemonster!!! OMG u_u,,
I am going to marry him :)
@OPAcity: Show some respect for teh koekje damnit!
... :p

n__n kkekekeke

Cookie Mongoloid in all his blue, furry, googly-eyed glory backed by the baddest of female metal bands as they decimate and regurgitate your childhood favorites in an abrasive metal wrath.
It just was too good to be true u_u,,

"Now we're gonna eat koekjes and sing about how many koekjes we have!!"
I llistened to the audio tracks and the Cookie Monster is reall!! :D Its a male woooooooh! Cookie cookie! C is for ...Cookie! Ten Cookies!
*hyper* OMG OMG too much excitement *implodes*