I guess you all have to hate Gojira now...

they were on tour together around the States and Randy used to come out every night and do about a half a song with them.

whatever ... looking forward to the new disc.
"This album's got a more dramatic feel to it, and some of the lyrics are almost cynical," continued Duplantier. "Usually, with my lyrics, I'm always positive. But on this album, I'm so pissed off with the situation on Earth right now, how we're abusing so much, and we take everything that we can take from the ocean, and we kill off endangered species. So in some of the songs, it's almost like a requiem for the Earth. This record is a lot darker — like, a lot darker, I would say. The music is darker and more violent."

nothing like a first US tour to turn nice people into angry fucks :loco:
I'll push my hate to the side and purchase their next album, anyway. Just because they've "sold out" doesn't mean they don't make good music.

Besides, I don't have a soul.
I'd take just one single note from Cynic's Focus over everything ever created by either of the above mentioned bands.
true. but id take my kid screaming in my ear because she let out a fart that hurt her butt over those cyborg vocals. man, how terrible are those....
Cynic's mind-boggling musicianship leaves nothing to be desired. The vocals were odd at first, then I realized that all the music I listen to has odd vocals (except for Symphony X)