I guess you guys from the US already know this, but...

Cmon Will, you cannot be serious. That guy, lips moved to every thing he said. Sure, he said Fuck, a bunch of times. But comparing him to Dunham is just wrong. Dunham is the Babe Ruth of vents. End of story.
exactly, i remeber the one video of him back in the 90's doing 4 pupets at the same time then at the end he drinks a glass of water and peanut talks while he does it. plus with dunham i almost some times forget that he's controling a puppet he does it so well.
exactly, i remeber the one video of him back in the 90's doing 4 pupets at the same time then at the end he drinks a glass of water and peanut talks while he does it. plus with dunham i almost some times forget that he's controling a puppet he does it so well.

Dude, as I said in the earlier post, I sat front row, he drank water, had 4 pupets going at once (On a Stick) I could not see him flinch. This guy is the MASTER of vents. Hands down, no question.