I had a great time..


The Ancient Metalhead
Dec 30, 2004
Indianapolis In USA
last saturday at the fatal force fest at Birdy's in Indianapolis.
I like to thank all the bands that played if you read this board.
Macabre and Black Mass ruled and the real suprises were Under Threat
a Columbian Death Thrash band that killed all and Potential Threat S.F.
a crushing bay area thrash band that sounded like a cross between Machine
Head and Testament! And the band A Failed Escape words cannot describe
the uniqueness and weirdness of this Logansport Indiana band part punk, part
death metal, part disco with a little of faith no more added to the mix. A highly
original band that I see a good future for them! The only complaint was the
shitty turnout. And ppl wonder why there are hardly any national and intl
metal acts playing in Indy? Go figure. Here are some sites if you want to
listen to some of these up and coming bands music!

www.potentialthreatsf.com droogie you should check this band out!
www.stormwithin.com I forgot to mention that fine female fronted metal band!