I hate people who bring those harness-wearing dogs onto the T

I don't understand how foreigners can, like, build skyscrapers and computers and shit in their countries if they have to talk in those stupid voices using those stupid words all the time.
Originally posted by FuSoYa
have you ever kissed a polish girl? they taste like cabbage.
Two of my good friends are Polish, and we just leased an apt together yesterday, so by week's end I will post what Polish boys taste like. Just for the sake of science.
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02

Categories: Pasta, Pastas, Polish
Yield: 12 servings

4 c All-purpose flour
2 Eggs
1/2 c Sour cream
1 ts Salt
2/3 c Warm water

----------------------POTATO FILLING----------------------
3 md Potatoes, cooked, drained
-and mashed
1/2 md Onion
1/4 c Butter
Salt and pepper; to taste

----------------------CHEESE FILLING----------------------
1 lb Dry cottage cheese
2 Eggs; beaten
1/2 ts Salt
1/4 c Butter

1 lg Onion; chopped
1/2 c Butter

Dough: Mix flour, eggs, sour cream, salt, and water,
a little at a time. Knead dough until firm and
elastic; Cover and let rest 10 minutes.

Potato Filling: Prepare potatoes, set aside.

Cheese Flling: Combine ingredients and mix.

Sauce: Saute onion in butter until golden.

Assembly: Divide dough into three parts. On a
floured surface roll dough to about 1/8-inch thick;
cut into 3-inch rounds. Place a small spoonful of the
filling in the center of each round, fold and press
the edges together firmly to seal.

Drop the pierogi in simmering chicken bouillon with 1
teaspoon of oil. Do not crowd. Simmer for 15 minutes,
stirring gently to prevent sticking. Remove with a
slotted spoon and drain well.

Place the drained pierogi in a casserole and pour
sauce mixture over all. Garnish with mushrooms.
I wouldn't mess around with science too much. It can be dangerous.



And you know what bothers me. All those people with their own little can of air. Are they that afraid of second hand smoke? Come on people.