I have been hired as Motw's new lyricist


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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They just don't know it yet. Think of me as a latter-day Desmond Child... a Mutt Lange-minus-the-production-skills, if you will.
The days of the lads rambling on about topics so abstruse, so singularly obscure, that they would prompt Yes's Rick Wakeman to shout "Well, fuck right OFF, mate!" are.... over.
My vision does not preclude a complete overhaul of the Well's approach.
I am also the band's BreakDance Choreographer. The Trumpet Player is to be reinstated, though he no longer gets royalties. He will shift his flesh about, and he will enjoy doing it.
The Greek Chick-- formally dubbed The Greek Chick-- will be our pan-Mediterranean Gyrating Gypsy Queen. She will clack her bells and finger-cymbals like there's no tomorrow.
It is my band now. I hope you're happy with the direction we're going in.

Think of Maudlin of The Well Mk. II as
Steeleye Span meets The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
Hawkwind without the drugs
Every bad death metal band in Massachusetts minus the music
Fairport Convention Featuring that kid on the trumpet

I am confident that in one year's time, we will be HEADLINING the Palladium. The days of opening for bands whose vocalists speak in Vampire-Voice-Even-Whilst-Offstage are OVER!
oh, they've got the drugs all right.

and nothing is doom/death/progressive metal-er than Byron slugging Robotussin and huffing glue before writing neo-Romantic dirges.