I have created a Tribute college for Megadeth download it here!

Of the four bands who started it all (Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica), Megadeth was the one who needed to call it a day. Metallia, yes they went in a new direction, but their live shows kick major ass. Slayer and Anthrax kick ass in the studio and onstage. Megadeth's latest efforts were lame and onstage, you didn't even recognize half the band. Menza and Friedman were the best line-up that band had. Mustaine was a prick, no wonder why those two bailed before the ship sunk. I hope Ellefson joins Metallica. He deserves it for being loyal to Mustaine's whiny ass all these years.
Ellefson joining Metallica would be a perfect match, and also a incredible turn of Irony. Then Metallica could say, "We didn't want your front man, but we'll take your bass player!" Ellefson has the skillz, chops, and brains to be the perfect replacement for Jason Newstead. Infact,(even though Jason was pretty good) Mr. Ellefson is better. I guess we'll see just how loyal David really is to Mr. Mustaine, I wonder if Mr. Mustaine would be mad at David for joining Metallica if it happens? What a confusing time I must say!
I had a chance to meet the members of Megadeth during the "Countdown to Extinction" tour. All the members seemed excited to meet us, and sign autographs! But without question, the nicest of them all was David Ellefson. I myself am a bass player(have been since I was 16, 27 now) and I mentioned playing bass to David. I only expected him to make a "thanks" comment, but to my surprise David Ellefsons eyes light up and we starting talking about playing bass and the differenct techniques we use. I remember at the time, I had just purchased a 5 string bass(which at the time was very new to me), and I mentioned this to David Ellefson and he said that it was way cool that I switched to a five string for he had just done that during the "Rust in Peace" tour, and he then went on to say that you had so many more possibilities using the five string bass. What a nice guy, I wish David Ellefson and all the members of Megadeth the best!

Originally posted by AlexStomp
Of the four bands who started it all (Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica), Megadeth was the one who needed to call it a day. Metallia, yes they went in a new direction, but their live shows kick major ass. Slayer and Anthrax kick ass in the studio and onstage. Megadeth's latest efforts were lame and onstage, you didn't even recognize half the band. Menza and Friedman were the best line-up that band had. Mustaine was a prick, no wonder why those two bailed before the ship sunk. I hope Ellefson joins Metallica. He deserves it for being loyal to Mustaine's whiny ass all these years.

I tend to agree with you for the most part. Megadeth never were that great live, and on the last tour, they were just going thru the motions, very, very lethargic. The World Needs a Hero, was a step in a heavier direction, but it sounded very forced, and a lot of the songs were simply boring. Risk sucked for the most part. Cryptic Writings was a good commercial metal album though.. At any rate, I don't think Mustaine had much more to contribute to the metal world. I hate to say it, but hey. At least this way Megadeth go out as legends, rather than hanging around putting out records no one likes or buys.
---"At least this way Megadeth go out as legends, rather than hanging around putting out records no one likes or buys."------

Isn't that what happened??? Put out a record that no one liked or bought??
Hey man, a fellow bass player here. One tip I have...if you screw up, just act like you never did, most people won't know if you don't show it. I've been playing for many years, my band is thrust supersonic from orlando. If you want check out thrustsupersonic.com, we have music samples (sorry, I don't mean to promote, that's lame I know). Hope your show goes well, keep playing!!!

While I was pissing everyone off as my pevious incarnation as gregthraX, AUGDAWG was always doing cool shit like this.
I commend you Augdawg, hella good collage, hella fine words.

"The thought never crossed my mind, that this would be our last goodbye"

Indeed, it didn't.

Rust In Peace, MEGADETH.

Should I really be this sad? Christ, family members pass on and I don't care this much!:lol:
Hey Bodylouseuk,

Whats up friend? Ofcourse I can give you some bass tips, I've been during it for years(at least the years I've been a good bass player). Your first concern should be to remember to practice, practice, practice. I know that kinda stupid, but it's true. The more familiar you become with your instrument, the better off both you and your bass will be. Have you learned any scales? Scales are not the most important thing is the world as far as music theory is concerned but to me scales are important for work out purposes. Working out your fingers is a must, and scales are perfect to tone, and warm up before playing. Below I have listed some basic scales that I still use to this day. Funny thing, once you learn this inside and out(so to speak), even though they are easy, people will hear you play them and think your a bad ass! Check these out!

Minor blues scale:
E 1-4
A 1-2-3
D 1-3

Major scale:
E 2-4
A 1-2-4
D 1-3-4

*The numbers represent the fret number, and off to the side you will see I've listed the strings. The E is your big heavy string up top, I apologize if you already know this(just wanted to be sure that you understood this)

Please let me know what you think of these two scales Bodylouseuk! Trust me and use them for they'll give you a workout and they really are simple scales. I've built my own chord structures off them in the past and they have worked out pretty good. The tip from sufferer is %100 right! When performing live, don't let anybody know you have made mistakes if you make them. Just pretend that it's a part of the show and most people will never know. GregadetH your awesome man! I feel like I know you, and we have never meet! All you guys let me know if you need any bass tips and keep shouting out to me! This site is too much fun, I was actually excited to get up this morning and come to work to listen to Megadeth all day long and chat with you folks! Bodylouseuk, I've got more bass tips for sure, just let me know how you like these ones, or if you need a further explanation.

Cheerz everybody!

I've played guitar for a number of years just reading tab to songs I like, but never did any theory. These guys I know asked me to play Bass for them so I thought I'd give it a go, next thing is they enter a battle of the bands comp. Jeez, how nervous am I, cheers for the scales gonna practise them now, topman Augdawg.