I have found a band that Trent and Ceydn will love


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Absolute Steel from Norway. Their latest album is called "WomaniZer" and it's like the music of Turbo-era Priest with the lyrics of a second-rate Poison clone. Check out these gems:

From the song "Beer Run"

"We're out of beer (No!)
Let's do a beer run! (Yeah!)
We've got to save the party!"

From "Deeper"

"No need to argue, no need to fight
You're in for a ride girl, better hold on tight
If you're looking for romance, I'm not your guy
Put down that joint girl, I'm a natural high!"

Best. Lyrics. Ever.


Holy shit, that first song sounds like the greatest song ever written. EVER.

I have to try this band out.

Fukkin' cheers for the heads up!

Listening to Beer Run now.

This is the greatest song ever written. EVER.

This guy's voice is amazing! And the gang vocals make me shit my pants. Oh man, this is THE song to put on when drinking with your mates. I swear.

Fukkin' so many beers & cheers to you Gorey! this is a fucking HOT tip!
Oh man, I downloaded Naughty Nanny as well. That chorus is fucking KILLER!

And I cannot stop playing Beer Run. I'm not joking, it's the best song ever.
One of the coolest things about this thread, is that a few years back I started a band with a friend named Trent. We called the band "Trentandkaydin". Our one and only song was called "The Great Barrier Riff".

Is that not the best song title ever?

By the way - that Juicy Lucy song is brilliant! It's so emotive and serious and then he just sings "Juicy Lucy!"
Is this a serious band?

Cause they are actually pretty good.
I know the lyrics are a piss take and meant to be fuckin stupid, but the solos in beer run and the riffs and singing are pretty solid... Well up there with alot of cheesey power metal out there
Spruce Goose said:
We're out of beer.
Lets make a beer run.
We've gotta save,

:lol: :lol:

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Awesome isn't it!