I have some rare Agalloch, Opeth, Katatonia etc vinyl to trade


Dec 8, 2004
Here is what I have to to trade -

Vinyl -

Opeth - 6lp Wooden box (white vinyl) /200 JUST ADDED
Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain black vinyl /400 copies
Agalloch - From Which This Oak picture vinyl /900
Alcest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde (US press brown vinyl *sealed*) /300 JUST ADDED
Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden
Isis - Live 4 honey vinyl /524 copies
Katatonia - Discouraged Ones orange vinyl /150 copies
Opeth - Damnation vinyl (1st press) /1000 copies
Opeth - Orchid picture vinyl /2000 copies
At the Gates - Purgatory Unleashed (green/black) /100 JUST ADDED
The Mars Volta - Amputechture half white/half marbled orange vinyl limited
The Mars Volta - Live at the Electric Ballroom vinyl limited
Mastodon - Crack The Skye (red/gold vinyl) /650 copies
Queens of the Stone Age - Rated R (Rated X edition) euro press *sealed*
Ulver - Blood Inside red vinyl (from 2010 european tour) /500 JUST ADDED

CD's -

Agalloch - White ep JUST ADDED
Isis - Live V

If interested, check my tradelist for my wants. Mostly looking to trade. Here is the link to my tradelist on Dead Format -
