I Haven't Heard Much About Enchant...

Oct 26, 2002
...actually, I've heard nothing.

The thing I love about UltimateMetal.com is that I can find out about bands that I would never ever see on Mtv or any other feces-smelling music channel.

It seems to me that the fans are really passionate about this band, which is cool. As far as progressive bands are concerned, I've heard some Rush, some Dream Theater, some Jethro Tull (well, their progressive stuff), and a handful of others.

But this is a metal board, and I'm assuming Enchant play a certain type of metal.

Right now I'm really big on Opeth. They are a band without description and they make very haunting, riveting music. Some of my other favourite metal acts right now are Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Demons & Wizards, In Flames, Nevermore, Arch Enemy, and some of the classic stuff like Metallica and Megadeth.

Is this band different? Is this a band worth checking out? I know I'm going to get some biased opinions, but I hope they are at least truthful.

Thanks. KPR
hmm..I would say esp Rush and Dream Theater you say you've heard then Enchant is a band that you may go for. I am unsure if they would be classified as "metal" exactly. Maybe more just melody filled hard rock?...I dunno to me they just make "good music" And they have many influences and they seem to be getting better with each record I feel. As for what albums or songs to listen to 1st...their debut Blueprint of the World is widely regarded as a good start. However their latest release Blink of an Eye could be their most polished and heaviest material yet. Songs: Enchanted, The Thirst, Below Zero, My Enemy, Under Fire, Seeds of Hate may be some good ones to hear esp if for some of their heavier songs. 1 thing to also add is they are definitely a band whose vocals and guitar stand out on a lot of melody...will say I know a fair amount of fans of Opeth who also know of and like Enchant..esp with the Dream Theater connection amongst those fans.

Enchant is one of my favorite bands.

They're not metal... but they seem to have some metal "flavors" to their music... and are certainly a band that appeals to metal fans (like me!). "Blink Of An Eye" is my favorite album of theirs... and is also their heaviest.