i just broke up with my girlfreind

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my newest girlfriend took my bulova watch, my cell phone, all my clothes, and a month's worth of my money, and went to another city this morning, (while i was out of the house for a couple of hours) to go live with her son that's the same age as me, she doesn't want to see me anymore, she took all my stuff with her when she left me, and yes, i really would be willing to date a female from this site if they lived in the area
This is kinda why I took off. #1 What Bulova watch? (I said I would buy you one as I have all my men, as soon as you started acting like one!) #2 The cell phone was mine. (Remember you broke all three of yours this year.) #3 I left ALL your clothes there, you even told my Nanny that when you called and asked "What's going on!" #4 Nanny told you I left town so you wouldn't come to her house like you did when you noticed I was gone! #5 You are seven years older than my oldest son. (What!, I am a drop dead sexy BYYY-OTCH. Why cani't I have a slightly younger man, and?? #6 I did not take ANYTHING of yours, and you know it!!!!!! You beat the shit out of me, and I was already injured from the last car accident. Two black eyes, bruises everywhere, and all you could say afterwards was, "I might have intermitent explosive disorder." I still have a large knot on my forehead and that is 17 days ago!!!!!! And YES I don't want to see that guy again! The one that hits females and sucks homeless bums dicks for kicks!!! WTHM!!!!!!!!!! Always losing and breaking my things!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND, I bet you could not tell the truth if your life depended on it!! I even overlooked the fact that you are a registered sex offender, now I know why you are one!! I overlooked the fact you suck your thumb!! I sided with you when you and my OLDEST son fought!!! And you still beat me up and tried to rape me cause I would not have sex with you ( I would of gladly MADE love WITH you if you had not been SOOO HATEFULL TO ME!!! ) Your MOM warned me about how you could be (VIA BRAIN), BUT I DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR HER/them ; I wished it wasn't true because by the time I HEARD BADLY OF YOU I WAS ALREADY IN LOVE WITH YOU ( sleeping with you under the...), remember what I said to you the night before I left, (IF I HAVE TO MAKE MYSELF "FALL OUT OF LOVE" WITH YOU, LIKE I HAD TO DO WITH MY FIRST SEVEN FIANCE'S/HUSBANDS' I COULD ) I wish I didn't have to do that but what choice are you giving me? I wish things could of been different, you really can be sweet sometimes:Shedevil:
Steven's baby Girl isn't me
so i guess the mod could ban her
although it's possible it's a guy
it might just be a regular on this forum just having fun at my expense
This is kinda why I took off. #1 What Bulova watch? (I said I would buy you one as I have all my men, as soon as you started acting like one!) #2 The cell phone was mine. (Remember you broke all three of yours this year.) #3 I left ALL your clothes there, you even told my grandma that when you called and asked what was going on! #4 Nany told you I left town so you wouldn't come to her house like you did when you noticed I was gone! #5 You are seven years older than my son. (What! I am a drop dead sexy BYYY-OTCH. Why can't I have a slightly younger man, ass wipe?? #6 I did not take ANYTHING of yours, and you know it!!!!!! You beat the shit out of me, and I was already injured from the last car accident. Two black eyes, bruises everywhere, and all you could say afterwards was "I might have intermitent explosive disorder." I still have a large knot on my forehead and that was 17 days ago!!!!!! And YES I don't want to see that guy again! The one that hits females and sucks homeless bums dicks for kicks!!! WTHM!!!!!!!!!! Always losing and breaking my things!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND, I bet you could not tell the truth if your life depended on it!! I even overlooked the fact that you are a registered sex offender, now I know why you are one!! I overlooked the fact you suck your thumb!! I sided with you when you and my son fought!!! And you still beat me up and tried to rape me cause I would not have sex with you ( I would of gladly made love with you if you had not been soo mean to me!!! ) Your MOM warned me about how you could be, I wished it wasn't true because by the time I MET HER AND SHE TOLD ME I WAS ALREADY IN LOVE WITH YOU. Remember what I said to you the night before I left, I wish I didn't have to do that but what choice are you giving me? I wish things could of been different, you really can be sweet sometimes:Shedevil:

This actually sounds kinda convincing.....
Daddy (batman tat on left upper arm and foreskin intact, what "random regular guy" knows that?) who else knows how much you like to suck cock and your fingers when your sleepy !!!! OMG, is your MOM really DEAD! I just called and it said the number was disconected. I regret not calling you back all those times you called me after I left last week [I was just tired of you hitting me, lieing to me, holding the umbrella backwards, etc...( and whinning about it!!!) that is pretty much the sum of your faults]. I am sure you remember what I told you and please know you have my deepest sympathy. Your Mom was always nice to me, a lady through and through. I got to go for now. LYLAS(and never had one till you ), Goddess CYN:cry:
okay a random person wouldn't know about the holding the umbrella backwards thing
and yes my mom really is dead
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