I just can't get it right

Jan [MTW]

Aug 26, 2010
Hey Guys,
I would love if you could give me some pointers on how I can get this mix sound right. I'm so sick of it, because can't get it sounding good.

I still have to do some editings on the guitars. And yea, I know that I fucked up the outro. ;)
Also I'll put some effects on the intro.

Any other opinions are appreciated, too.
If you need informations on the mix, feel free to ask me!

Edit: I hate how the vocalist sounds.
Sounds a lot better than the first one. Guitars are still a little boxey tho. Are you boosting the mids? What does the guitar eq look like?
That kinda middy style was what I wanted to go for sice the band wants a simular guitar sound to the first within the ruins album.
Eq is highpass at 100hz lowpass at 9,5khz, cut at 300hz and a big cut in the 4000hz area.
And in pod farm mids are at 90% which i'll lower a bit i think!
Yea or try some surgical cuts. Sweep the 700-800hz area, and then maybe 1-2k and try and isolate the problem. I dig the middy style too i usually max my mids out and try to eq out the boxey stuff if possible, but either way works.