i just did a taste test and it's true


Aug 2, 2002
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there's a huge difference between odwalla organic carrot juice and fresh samantha's. fresh samanthas is sooooooooo tasteless and watery and not as good.

(yes, i did just drink two 15.2 fluid oz containers of carrot juice)
also, i just got this as a present:
PM from Mark:

I've spent the last three fucking days dealing with angry emails written by nigh-illiterate sig-obsessed monkeys, so cut me some fucking slack with your webspace, okay?
on a side note to the carrot juice, i just got a plain bagel and i really dislike when you get a bagel that's supposed to be plain and it tastes very vaguely of onion or something.
I used to really hate that, but since I started liking onion bagels, I don't hate it quite as much anymore.

Also: your sub being cut in half by a knife used to cut other subs that may have had things like mayonnaise on them.