I just had the best idea ever regarding the evolution of music.


Jul 21, 2005
In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend
It's based on two things: a topic on new ways of music a while back on another board, and Edge of Sanity's Crimson II.

If you didn't know, Crimson II is a single song, divided into 40 parts. However, it only sounds decent when played in the intended order.

Now my idea was, that a single-song-album is divided into 50 parts, each one lasting about a minute, which can be played in *any* order!

By that I mean that the ending of every song would work with the beginning of every song. I don't remember anything about the maths course where we were taught on how to calculate the possible combinations of the 50 songs, but it will end up in the trillions anyways.

Even if it was just music, a song that would be different every time when you listen to it (shuffle on a player) would be amazing.

When you add lyrics, whoa. Millions of possible interpretations, some silly, but dozens actually intended by the artist -- maybe (musical, lyrical?) hints hidden within the songs that reveal some song orders that give the song entirely new meanings.

It would take an incredible amount of genius to pull that off, but it'd be something so unique and amazing..

Discuss. Has something like this actually been done before?
Minidisc is pretty interesting.

On the last track of one album I did, that's unreleased so far (because other than this track, it's terrible), I made a 15 minute track composed only of loops, beats, etc. from every other track on the disc...it came out crazy.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Minidisc is pretty interesting.

On the last track of one album I did, that's unreleased so far (because other than this track, it's terrible), I made a 15 minute track composed only of loops, beats, etc. from every other track on the disc...it came out crazy.


In case you didn't know, this guy does noise so it doesn't mean anything.

Ummm....yeah, I made shitty vocal recordings two years ago. More importantly, I've been taking classical vocal training for two years since. And I don't do harsh vocals anymore, they kill your voice regardless of your technique.
Haha, CaressOfDeath always posted the geocities page with those vocals. I thought of the power metal vocals that if you got some singing lessons you could actually be really good, and now that you've gotten them, greatness.

And yeah, I didn't know about the noise as I'm a mad newbie here ._.
The closest I can think of is lateralus by Tool. The album has two track orders, the lateralus and the "holy gift" order. And it had hints in the music for you to figure out the order. It is 6,7,5,8,4,9,13,3,10,2,11,1,12, I think. I think that some things about your idea are impractical, but it would be possible to pull of without lyrics, add lyrics and there is no way to make it make sense more then like 1/1000th of the times you play it. Incomprehensible death vocals would be fine though.