I just purchased "A Fine Day To Exit"

This is my first Anathema album... it's awesome...

I think I shall get "Judgement" and "Alternative 4" next... and probably "Eternity"... I'm not too sure if I'm interested in their early death metal stuff though...
Eternity has nothing to do with Death Metal!!! You definetly should check this one out, it's very beautiful, romantic and intensive, imo.
There are no death metal growls, be sure, it's worth buying it. Search for the limited edition (maybe on ebay) it contains two accoustic versions which are amazing.


Originally posted by ProgMetalFan

I think I shall get "Judgement" and "Alternative 4" next... and probably "Eternity"... I'm not too sure if I'm interested in their early death metal stuff though...

Just buy Judgement, Alternative 4, Eternity and even The Silent Enigma (my favorite!!!!), Silent Enigma surely isn't that heavy, and it has some of the greatest songs ever, A Dying Wish, Shroud of Frost, Silent Enigma, Restless Oblivion, etc... It's quite possible though that you won't like the doom-death releases Serenades and Crestfallen. Pentecost is just somewhere in between, but one of my favorites too... Anyway, I like 'em ALL
Well, a friend of mine has generously allowed me to borrow "Judgement", "Alternative 4" and "Eternity"... all are awesome...

However... I feel this is a band that has only gotten better with each album... right now "A Fine Day" is my favorite followed very closely by "Judgement"...
I fell in love with the silent enigma when i hadnt even listened to that genre of music for about 7 years, but having grown up with those styles i felt that anathema hit the nail right on the head with that album. Many had tried too.
I must admit that I almost fell of the wagon when I heard Alt. 4
Been a fan since they realeased Serenades. But I'm not that in
love with Alt. 4 and A Fine Day.. (which I haven't even bought)