i just saw the Morningrise bridge front cover on TV!!!


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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whilst watching Blackadder II on uk gold i noticed it in the Lord Flash-Heart/Bob episode...im almost certain its the same. im surprised no one else has noticed it, Blackadder being one of the funniest comedies EVER. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by _Transparent_
whilst watching Blackadder II on uk gold i noticed it in the Lord Flash-Heart/Bob episode...im almost certain its the same. im surprised no one else has noticed it, Blackadder being one of the funniest comedies EVER. :rolleyes:
"Kate?? That's a funny name for a girl."
"Yes, it's short for... Bob." :lol: :lol: I love Blackadder, but I've never noticed that bridge. How far into the episode is it?? I've got them all on tape so I'll have a gander.
I don't live in the same country, so I have never heard of the show.... but if it is in the show that would be pretty cool, seeing as how they found the picture on the ground in a subway for the cover (read that in an interview)....
Originally posted by elm lateral
I read an interview were mike said his manager sent them a postcard with it on the front when he was on holiday...
Yeah, I read that as well.

MU: What is the picture on the 'Morningrise' cover?

MA: We did not know at the time. Our label boss for Candlelight went on holiday, and they went to this place. I can't remember the name. He actually walked on the bridge or whatever it is. He sent me a postcard with the exact same picture that we have on the cover there but with color. It's some kind of tourist place in England.
Originally posted by rustymetal
"Kate?? That's a funny name for a girl."
"Yes, it's short for... Bob." :lol: :lol: I love Blackadder, but I've never noticed that bridge. How far into the episode is it?? I've got them all on tape so I'll have a gander.

um, you got the quote mixed up :lol: , 'Bob' is a funny name for a girl...not Kate ;)

anywho its about half way through, while Blackadder and Bob (Kate) are playing in the fields, running around etc. and Greensleeves is playing. i wonder where it was though. im sure its somewhere near where i live, mayhap Middlesex as its mentioned a few times throughout all the episodes, and BBC studios is there too...
Originally posted by _Transparent_
um, you got the quote mixed up :lol: , 'Bob' is a funny name for a girl...not Kate ;)

anywho its about half way through, while Blackadder and Bob (Kate) are playing in the fields, running around etc. and Greensleeves is playing. i wonder where it was though. im sure its somewhere near where i live, mayhap Middlesex as its mentioned a few times throughout all the episodes, and BBC studios is there too...
:lol: Yes, I buggered up. It has been known to happen before. :p The actual quote is something like "Isn't that [Kate] a bit of a girl's name??" :lol:

Anywho, it IS the same bridge. Definitely. Even the shurbberies around it are the just about the same.
Here you go, from Blackadder 2, "Bells":
