I keep hearing....


Expired candle
Jan 19, 2002
New Hampshire
Visit site
about the new album, but I can't find any information anywhere informing me when it is scheduled to be released. Any help here would be extremely appreciated. Thanks.
to find info it's advisable to:

- browse this forum avoiding threads where i use to post;
- go to the official website;
- go to the century media website;
- contact the band;
- pray any number of gods of choice (see 'faith & religion' thread).

to find info it's not advisable to:

- start a new thread asking questions we all replied to a thousand times before;
- start a new thread asking questions;
- start a new thread.

Conclusion: never start a new thread to find info (especially when rahvin or other rahvin-like people are around) :p

Now let this thread die :devil:
Well, I´m hungry too! And I just ate a "1/2 special med västkustsallad" that is well... good food...:D

-phyros (hungry, but got nothing to eat!)
I ate too, but i seem to get very hungry nowadays. I just hope i don't get fat :p

NDrinking: coke :p
What exactly is Påskmust?

Edit: Reading again; I know it can't be alcohol. No once can drink 2 litres of it a day. :)
Påskmust isn´t alcohol, it is very Swedish... The coca-cola company are trying to get the Swedes to drink coke on christmas and easter, but we give them the finger and drink our must instead.. feels good, really, they can´t get to us!
Thanks for the clarification. We don't have that here. We have Jones Soda. :)

Cola mixed with alcohol is good.
I should try to find some of that soda... I drink a lot of soda and such, especially for breakfast. :)
Must sounds awesome. Cola mixed with beer rules. I have to find some of that.

I also like heating up cola, adding lemons, and drinking it for breakfast.
did anybody miss me during my day and a half abscense?

I wasn't drinking beverages with weird names :p
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
I missed you, where did you go?

To get my wages of sin copy, but the dickhead at the store had sold it... I should've beaten the crap out of him :mad:
ate much tonight.....hanging out in the "world_uniter" Burger King, yeah healthy stuff!!!

And Coke should be introduced in Kintergardens at very early ages as a symbol of human integration for a single world ;)