I know how to get rid of Profanity...

Jul 4, 2003
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I'd like to raise money so that we can pay for a one way plane ticket for Profanity. I intend to send him from Manchester airport to the north pole where he wont have access to a computer and consequently can't annoy us all. The other option is sending the heavies round to his dump and smashing it and him in.

Would anyone care to make a contribution?

:Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
I don't want him to go away. Look at it rationally - check out all the threads on this board. Boring shite for the most part. At least Profanity gives us someone we can all laugh at and ridicule, and he likes it so gives us ammunition all the time.
If you enjoy laughing at Profanity's posts why not check out Potpossums? Hers don't even make sense and she gets all threatening when you laugh at her, it's great. :)
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if i start posting a lot and being really annoying would you all pay for a plane ticket for me, too? pleaaaaase?
Profånity said:
Well I know for a fact that you won't get many.

yeah right..

if this thread was a serious one... i mean, if it was for real. Belive me, we would have a lot people coming around here.

Face it Profanity, you are just a spamer. Everything that comes out of your mind its just plain shit.

Everything that you say its really stupid most of the times.
No, I have a better idea. Let's make a million threads about him, that'll drive him away. Giving him attention is definitely the way forward.
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Violet Baudelaire said:
if i start posting a lot and being really annoying would you all pay for a plane ticket for me, too? pleaaaaase?
All you have to do is say the magic word :p

(but you won't be flown to england :loco: )
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I have a free way to get rid of him: stop giving him so much attention.
Yes he's dumb and annoying,and fat and probably a virgin,his life is enough suffering.Let him keep on suffering.