I know we already have a thread on the tsunami disaster but...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
...I think it's depressing as fuck. They found the bodies of a 5 year old huddled with his 3 year and 1 year old sister -- all drowned, but didn't let go of each other as they died.

Other than give money, I'm just not sure what more I can do. If I was in my early 20's, I'd just volunteer and go out there to help the Red Cross or something. These are the times I really salute the troops, when they go out to save people without having to pull the trigger on a gun.
just been watching the news
numbers like 150,000 are hard to comprehend
its when you see the rotting bodies of young and old that brings it home
bodies still floating in the sea...

i feel totally useless and worthless
I saw that picture the other day, reminded me of Holocaust photos I've seen.

I'm currently researching joining the Peace Corps, I'm not sure if I'll actually do it, but I figure while I'm young and unattached it's the only time I could do something of that nature.
that picture is brutal ...

we are doing this with my business: http://www.digadeal.com/donations.htm
please spread the word. we got a lot of calls already and some local papers are doing a story on it ... if you have no money to donate. this is a good way to do something.
we have it all set up through www.missionfish.com where all the money is getting directly funneled to the charities straight from the auctions. we don't even handle the money.
The picture is as devastating as any graphic battlefield photography I've seen...the death toll is already horrible beyond comprehension, but when you think of all the families torn apart, it's enough to make you feel completely insignificant.
One Inch Man said:
The top-left corner of the third set was in the Daily Telegraph recently. That in itself was :OMG:, let alone the rest of it. The last set was particularly :err:, like, cos someone pointed out how this disaster was going to change the landscape of god knows how many areas...just think about what that place will look like in a year's time, or 10 years...still be uninhabitable, I think.