I know you do:


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
Visit site
Do you often want to "like" a post on this forum?

Do you get annoyed that you can't upload a photo directly to your replies and tag it a bazillion times?

Do you get mad at automated toilet that flushes as soon as you sit down?

Do you like Mangos?

Do you ever think we are alone in the universe?
No. I'm not a big fan of "likes".


Just vaguely annoyed.


No. It's by definition impossible. But you know what they (being Arthur C. Clarke) say about that: "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Some of your wishes will soon come true Lady Lioness :) I recently posted this in another part of the site:

I'll soon be moving UM over to new software. Vbulletin was bought out a couple years ago by a bunch of lame ass money grubbers who care more about money/stockholders than quality of software writing/performance/employees. All the original guys are gone. That's why I have not upgraded in forever. But, some of the original guys formed another forum company called xenForo and it's finally maturing to the point I am ready to move UM over to it. You can get a feel for it at http://xenforo.com/community/ (mind you that's the default theme). I know there will be a few growing pains on getting used to slight differences but all in all it's much nicer, runs smooth, modern, better functionality, etc. I think it will be a good move (thoughts?).


Yes, but it can be remedied by draping toilet paper over the sensor to blind it (unless the sensor is flat against the wall)




Only if the cold water gives things a surprise bath.


No, but they're probably permanently out of reach.
Rep memories.

Don't know what tagging means.

Avoid public shitters.


No chance.

And life would have no meaning without the :erk: face.
This is a voivod song plus sanctuary = Do you ever think we are alone in the universe?