I luv 50 Cent and J LO!!!!!!! and Timberlake.


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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Ha ha No I don't but I just picket up my first Sonata Arctica and I am amazed. I would have to say Jani(Ok Magsec I don't know how to spell his name! :lol: ) fucking cooks!!! I like his crips style over ANYTHING I've heard!

*puts comuter away to go worship at the Spinefarm alter of Metal!*
Sonata Arctica = teh WIN!!!

My Young Guitar DVD has Jani Laiimatainen on it. . .he rips.

I NEED RIPPING SOFTWAAAAAAAAARE. . . . .Im doing this for you guys. . .so anyhelp is definately appreciated on the subject of DVD RIPPING. . .

Ecliptica and Silence are THE BEST SA albums.
Ive never seen the word "rip" have two completely different meanings in the same sentence before. You get a gold star for the day

ive actually never heard them, so i guess id have to take your side by default
The album I picked up was silence but I will get more for sure. I feel that the one point COB is weak on is LYRICS and the actual "singing". It took some use to listening to the "Europe" type vocal delivery, but the music is so fucking goooood. Jani is now my new mentor and God i WILL STALK HIM AND HAVE HIS CHILDREN! :lol:

@bob what is that Ibanez he shreds? Granted the paint job is costum model make year? If you ever get that DVD program then please give me a mail at mammoth@spray.se I will see what I have to trade with. Or if anyone knows where to find that actual magazine drop me a line as well! :)
it's a really good band with a few select songs that are really asstastic haha
just don't judge them out of those songs
i'm talking mainly about those cheesy ass boring ballads like Tallullah and the likes

the last album has all good songs, and no bad lyrics for a change

check out the video for Wolf and Raven, i think it pretty much describes Sonata Arctica
btw that video is one of the best 5 music videos i've ever seen, the production and the filming and the acting (Kakko should be doing opera with those gestures, he rules! also when he goes up the stairs and sees the raven = badass) are smoking
BodomiC said:
I bet this threads name is the real sense of it, and that Sonata worshiping words are just the cover of addmiting that he loves Justin and that gold jewelery stand guy :tickled:

TRUE! I don't even play guitar, I play the clarinet! :oops:

@The_Children_of_Decadence sorry I was sooo bored and Sonata is one of my top three bands! ;)
dilema1362 said:
HEY!!! I PLAY THE CLARINET!!! (or i did until 2 years ago)

Then my friend you are sadder than me as I was joking! :lol:

@Missiles Wtf? Show a song? :lol: Kareoke or what?

"This is a rare Sonata Arctica song, let me mantomime it for you honey! " *Unwraps dick* :lol: Man I bet there are people out there who would have payed to see that shit! :heh: Not me though...just saying hrm...:err::oops:
i know you were kidding...thats why i yelled at you. i played the clarinet in highschool just to have something to put on my college app....granted i was always horrible at the fuckin instrument, but it was still an after school activity to put down cuz im sure as hell not a sports kinda guy. im not proud of playing the clarinet, i just did it