I met my first movie star!


Henry Rollins is a super nice guy! Not at all the foreboding individual I expected. His spoken word show was tremendous. Great pseudo-intellectual dictation. I enjoyed every minute of it. Afterwards he took the time to hook every one who wanted to meet him up.
Very worthwhile experience. Rollins is very even handed too. For every remark about our idiot president, the dem's got blasted too (well, the Kennedys did anyway) For the most part of the 2 hours and 50 minutes though, Rollins strayed from politics and just gave us cool anecdotes and stories. He had some funny tales about filming "Bad Boys II" and about Ozzy and Sharons New Years Eve Party.
I've met Kevin Spacey before. He's so gay. He was trying to dance near me and bought me and my buds a round of drinks. Oh, and to make this story even more twisted than it already is, Nsync was there and they were all flabbergasted by Spacey's presence. This was before the boy band was all that nocitceable and I thought they were underclassmen from my high school.