I nearly drowned in Lake Balaton


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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The old women did not relent in throwing peppers at me.
I'll swear that amongst the Magyar invectives were the English words-- heavily accented, natch-- "Zhoo stoopeed Ahh-may-ree-kahhn too-reest!" My protests fell on deaf ears.
Fortunately, I was later consoled with Bull's Blood, Tokaz, and heaping bowlfuls of Debreceni Rostelyos, Borjupaprikas, and Paprikas-Paradicsomos Lecsco.
Imagine my surprise when, thumbing for a ride to Varpalota, mine ears were greeted with the strains of Hawkwind's "Hall of the Mountain Grill"!
Greater still, the oddity of discovering the music was played by an old shepherd.
You Magyar may laugh, but staring out across the vista of the steppe, I half expected Atila himself to sally forth. Fortunately, he did not; some Szekely DID, however, and they demanded that I give up my deluxe-edition reissue of Deep Purple's "Fireball". You may be sure that I did not, and that the treasure yet gilds my mantle.
Blow my ass up if I understand the first half of what you say man! But the second part doesn't go well w'out the first one... I pass man!!:lol:
:lol: I can not believe I seem to be SO crazy... :lol:
But at least that would rise our popularity!! A symphonic blackened doom metal band with a girl on drums and a crazy physicist on vocals...:lol: