I need some serious suggestions...

The kick is way loud, it's making the low end pump, the vocals are also too loud imo, and pumping. Maybe easing up on the limiting might fix that.

Err, I'd say the snare needs some of that "clank" taken out, try dropping out some 1khz or so.

Guitars sound good, maybe a little more highs in there will make them sit a bit nicer.

Bass needs some definition, right now it's just a rumble, get some more midrange in there.

Toms sound a little small, get a little more lows in there so that they pound a bit more.

Listening further on, the limiting is definitely too much, the guitar by itself at 1:48 is clipping.

I think the raw sounds are pretty nice, just need some slight tweaking, and maybe a little more compression on the drums overall.

Oh, btw I like the vocalist's style, not sure about the lyrical content, but yeah lol.
the vocals are definately the best thing, i don't think they need tweaking. The kicks could use less bass, or something. i think they're up front enough, but they overtake the mix, and kinda sound like it clips. it sound boomy.
Still sounds kinda untight on the low end to me, I think the bass needs some more work, probably need advice from someone else on this, I can never mix the bass right, it just needs some more definition and I can still hear some pumping, and clipping, but a definite improvement man.
Good stuff. I think the only thing that really really needs fixing is the kick. It's definately too overpowering. Have you tried a multiband compressor on it? Try removing that lower low end from it. HPF maybe...

Vocals sound really cool and I think it's very good that you left them upfront. Guitars are nice too. When you get that bass a bit tighter and the kick to sit better in the mix, this will sound really nice. And don't try to master it too loud... The M4 version sounded like my headphones were broken...
Thanks so much for the suggestions, you've all been phenomenally helpful

I did what I could to clean up the lows... there was an LPF on pretty much everything, but I think the kick drum's outer mic had some extra rumbling that I cleared up... and I backed the level off a bit... The bass guitar is a bit tough, in that it's an upright and its all over the place, but it really rings out in the lower mids, so it's a bit tweaky to tighten up...

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