I need your help guys.

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Haha, i know it was used as an avatar, if i could read the crap at the bottom i could google it but no such luck, was hoping someone here would recognize it immediately
Haha, i know it was used as an avatar, if i could read the crap at the bottom i could google it but no such luck, was hoping someone here would recognize it immediately
In most of times the crap at the bottom is the name of photographer. So...
It isnt Manowar from what i can tell, but if you guys could please spit say half a dozen strong possibilities out ill google and sift through the pics on google till i find a match, i just have no idea where to start cos i like commercial music :)

thanks again
Its just a bit of a bet, it may have something to do with Hades, but all the bands with hades in the name i can think of eg hades, hades almighty arent it.

Please come on some one must recognize it, i could blow the picture up but then it will just be a pixelated piece of crap as opposed to being as hard to see as my.....:loco:
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