I need your help!


Feb 4, 2002
Blue Mountains,Australia
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I am doing an essay for TAFE on a sub-culture and I have chosen metal heads of course.
If you guys could answer these questions it would be a great help.
1.How old were you when you first got into metal?
2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?
3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.
4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.
5.What defines you as a metal head?
6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?
7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging
8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?
1.How old were you when you first got into metal?
I can't remember, my Dad was playing Sabbath and Budgie for as long as I can remember

2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?
My parents are to blame I guess

3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.?
I dunno, I got lots of tatts, I wear band shirts alot, and drink my weight in beer often

4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.?
nothing really, be yourself, this isn't a fucking fashion race, it's about being yourself, not being fashionable

5.What defines you as a metal head?
Being me
6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?
The BNW eddie tatt on the back of my wrist maybe...I don't give a fuck what society around me fucking thinks I am

7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging
Meh, it's music, it's life, that's all it needs to be isn't it?

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?
1.How old were you when you first got into metal?

Hmmm depends what you call metal. Guns n' Roses, Alice Cooper, Skid Row and Faith No More when I was 10. Got progressively heavier from there.

2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?

I don't have older siblings. :) I think friends helped a bit, but I just liked what I heard on tv.

3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.

I go to lots of gigs, wear band t-shirts, old jeans, used to have long hair :)() and also have a Puremetalwear.com shirt. :)

4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.

Having music I like, a subculture I fit into and friends I've made through it.

5.What defines you as a metal head?

My awesome taste in music.

6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?

I'm not sure what that word means. I don't really have anything that shows I'm a metalhead now, as I don't look very metal anymore.

7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging

Freedom, in that I'm free to listen to what I like and free of shitty trends that most people follow.
Belonging, in that I can go to a gig and feel I belong there, even if I'm a short-haired nancy these days.

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?

Being a metalhead defines who I am more than anything else.
1.How old were you when you first got into metal?

2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?
Older sibling.

3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.
Listen to metal music. I don't dress as a metal fan except when going to metal concerts.

4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.

5.What defines you as a metal head?
The fact that I like metal.

6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?

7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging
Freedom. Metalheads, more than the fans of any other style of music, are able to enjoy other genres of music. Fans of other styles of music, however, automatically look down upon metal. Metalheads are often the most open-minded people, music-wise.

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?

A quote from someone mentioned on the back of the case of that new metal DVD. Goes something like, "When someone says that they like all sorts of music except metal, there's no reason to carry on the conversation". Very true.
1.How old were you when you first got into metal?
2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?
A mate played me Sabbath's Techinical Esctacy and a bit of Status Quo, I was hooked and went and got Sabbath Bloody Sabbath and Piledriver.It all went from there.
3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.
Jeans t-shirt, lots of beer when going to gigs other than that I am just a normal bloke. Travelling 10 hours to my first gig in 1984 in a ute from Bourke to see DEEP PURPLE.
4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.
5.What defines you as a metal head?
Being 43 years old in a stable job and having a family and listening to music that I grew up with , being loyal to the music even though a times it may not deserve that loyalty as bands produce doggy records and do not tour Australia.
6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?
unsure what that word means , to guess nothing I am just me.

7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging
Freedom to listen and purchase what I want with out being influence by Music Charts plus being able to survive all the trends and still fine new metal bands to listen too.
Belonging: Being at a gig with others that you know or don't know is fantastic which gives a sent of POWER as well in the numbers of people.
8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?
Just be yourself and enjoy the moments as they come.....:headbang: :headbang:
1.How old were you when you first got into metal?

If Guns N Roses counts, then 4... if not, then 9.

2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?

Nope, by Rage - on both counts. Until it Sleeps came out when I was 9 :headbang:

3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.

I wouldn't say I use or do anything to define myself as a metalhead. I just wear what I think looks awesome - have fun drinking and never do drugs. I wouldn't call myself the 'typical' metalhead if there is such a thing. Well, I'm certainly far from what non-metalheads would believe a metalhead is. Most of my friends are trendies and I fit in better with them.

4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.

I have no idea what this question means. Sorry.

5.What defines you as a metal head?

Listening to metal I guess :p

6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?


7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging

Freedom is the biggest one... I just get lost in the music and feel free I guess. Belonging CAN be one for some people, but isn't for me. Love, power and survival? Don't see much of that in metal. Although I do love it!

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?

The way I see it - if you enjoy metal, you're a metalhead, regardless of how you look. Although some metalheads look WAAAAAY cooler than others, so it's not a bad thing if you do decide to look like them ;) (long hair, leather jacket, tight jeans, etc ;))
1.How old were you when you first got into metal?
Probably about 14... Listened to Led Zep/Deep Purple etc before but.
2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?
Nah. Metal found me.
3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.
I look nothing like a metal head (see avatar). I hardly ever wear band shirts or black clothes and have short hair. I even put gel in it when I go out. As for recreation or behaviour, I guess listening to metal and spending shitloads on my favorite metal bands classes me as a metal fan.
4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.
Only the need to listen to awesome music as opposed to the shit that gets played on radio
5.What defines you as a metal head?
The fact that I listen to metal.
6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?
What the fuck is Bricolage? I like Brocoli?
7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging
None. I just like the music
8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?
:worship: and :headbang:
1.How old were you when you first got into metal?

Between 11 and 13. They were the years that made me who I am today.

2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?

I guess I was introduced to it by an older sibling. I have destinct memories of seeing the clips to Metallica's One, and all the black album era stuff, as well as Megadeth's cover of No More Mr Nice Guy playing through my brothers bedroom tv one day. It fascinated me. After that, I took it upon myself to get into metal, as my brother was more into grunge type stuff, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Nirvana, etc. I borrowed his Metallica cds, and started getting into Rage and scouting second hand shops to discover new metal. Growing up in a country town made it kind of hard because there were few people in the town that were into metal, and the mainstream sportos saw me as a pretty weird outcast.

3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.

I guess the main thing I do that defines me as a metal head is that I listen to metal, very frequently, and often very loudly. You will usually hear it coming from my house or my car when I am near. Other than that, I don't often dress like a big metal head unless I am going to a gig. Just the odd band shirt here and there.

4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.

I think my creative needs are being met, as I think metal is far more intriguing to listen to than many other genres, and as well as being able to rock out and have fun, you can get some kind of intellectual satisfaction from hearing well written music. Also, playing metal and coming up with your own material services my creative output, even if the content isn't very good, I enjoy doing it.

5.What defines you as a metal head?

Just that fact that I enjoy listening to metal, do it often, and am still on the scene in search of new good shit to listen to, and enjoyable gigs to attend.

6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?

Whilst I enjoy driving around with the music loud and the windows down, I guess it could be seen as making a statement about who I am. Also, the odd band shirt here and there.

7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging

Freedom - this is the most relevant as freedom is largely what metal is about. Not all metal is for everyone, but being able to explore it and enjoy whatever appeals to you is what I love about metal. I totally agree with what Spiff said here as well, metal heads are often very open minded and listen to many genres, where fans of other genres are often closed minded to metal. Being a metal head gives you the freedom to like what you like.

Belonging - this is a big part of being a metal head for many people, being part of a subculture that they enjoy, and feel they belong in. I think for many, this is more important than the actual music, which is why many metal heads drift away from the scene when they get older, as they no longer feel that they belong, or need the security of belonging to a group.

Survival - I think the relevance here might be that metal is not a trend, and anyone who latches onto metal knows that they are part of something that isn't going to die. It can be a long time commitment if they want it to be.

Love - there is much more passion in the metal scene than most other scenes. People are more passionate about both the music, and being a part of the scene itself. For example, you often see tattoos of album covers and band mascots, emblems and logos etc, which is something that doesn't happen with other genres. People love metal, and are proud to express it. There is also a good sense of mateship within the metal community (well, except for maybe some black metallers :p ).

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?

I think trying to describe metal heads as a group is a hard thing to do, as there are so many different types, just like the music itself. Many metal heads are intellectuals, whilst many are downright bogans.
1. How old were you when you first got into metal?

Four if KISS counts as metal. Ten if they don't.

2. Were you introduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how? N/A

3. What sort of clothes, recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head?

My summer wardrobe consists entirely of black T-shirts and almost every waking hour is spent with music roaring in the background. I collect CDs from all my favourite bands (obviously!) and like researching their histories and influences.

4. What needs do you think are being met by being a metal head.

A sense of community and identity with those who share my interest, which in turn has led to several online friendships (you lot in case you were wondering!)

5. What defines you as a metal head?

The strange looks that people give me when I'm wearing the aforementioned T-shirts in public, and my knowledge of many bands that most mainstream music listeners wouldn't have a clue about.

6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?

Again with the T-shirts I'm afraid. I'm too much of a wuss to get a tattoo :).

7. What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival, Power, Freedom, Love & Belonging

Survival- this music is a lifeline to me in a culture that rewards mediocrity and no longer has a clue how to entertain itself.

Power- I have an advantage over those who consider metal music "evil" or "noise" because I know better.

Freedom- see Spiffo's comments. There's no barrier that prevents me from enjoying other genres if and when I choose to. Metal fans (at least the ones here) are more open minded than the world would have you believe.

Belonging and Love- Blitzy said it all

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?

I may not be as "hardcore" as some other fans, but I consider metal to be an important part of my identity.

1.How old were you when you first got into metal?

I dunno. It was like '86 or '87 or something like that. Which was 20 years ago, I guess. Which made me 13 or 14, I guess.

2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?

Bunch of guys at school. It was just the music that was listened to. Hysteria, Appetite and what ever the ACDC one was at the time.

3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.

I don't. At the moment I'm wearing flares and hot pink socks. In fact I'm not even sure I define myself as a metal head, although others seem to. Metal is just a style of music that I listen to.

4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.

See 3.

5.What defines you as a metal head?

See 4.

6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?

See 5.

7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging

It's freedom more than anything, for all of the reasons that everyone else has said. Also belonging. The metal scene seems to made up of a large number of individuals who all want to be free to be themselves, but belong to a group while they're doing it.

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?

Pink socks rock! I've also got some orange ones, but they've got holes in them.
1.How old were you when you first got into metal?
Used to like Suzi Quattro and Kiss when I was a kid (not quite metal for the former, 'though).
Then was hooked on "flight of Icarus", when I occasionally heard it on the radio.
THen my younger brother's mate played 7th son one day, and that was it. (maybe 18 years old).

2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?
Younger brother's mascara wearing American mate (ambassador's son).

3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.
Listing mostly, 'maiden Tshirts (one saved me from a beating), annoying workmates with my latest CD.

4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.
Relaxation...'Maiden, Dickinson, WASP, Steve Vai, Ratt etc are all music to go to sleep by.

5.What defines you as a metal head?
2,320,000,000 screaming watts (that I look after at work...about 750 tonnes of metal spinning at 3000 RPM).

6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?
que ?

7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging
Freedom (as per a lot of early motley drue stuff), Love (as per ballads etc).

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?
Only with metal would you ever feel justified in slagging your favourite band for being too cheap to visit, then wait with baited breath for a re-release of a re-release.
Most of this doesn't really apply to me much anymore, but what the hey

1.How old were you when you first got into metal?

4. I got def leppard-hysteria and alice cooper-poison on tape, although some form of metal had always been playing in my house from my dad, i never appeciated this until later.

2.Were you intorduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?

Dad,older cousins.

3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.

None anymore, I'll still go and drink and watch bands, but I'm discrimnating these days, whereas before I'd go watch any number of shit bands, just to go and sink piss with a bunch of fellow piss sinkers.

4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.

The need for a place to drink beer and listen to music.

5.What defines you as a metal head?

Not much anymore.
6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?

I was always wearing band shirts, black jeans, boots. Right now I am wearing a pair of cream tartan pants and a red mars volta shirt. I used to have long hair, now my hair is about 4cm of spiked out goodness.

7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging

n/a, I guess the closest one was belonging. Belonging to a group of people with similar musical interest, similar bad dress sense and a similar ability to drink beer.

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?

1.How old were you when you first got into metal?

Twas 14 when I was given an Iron Maiden tape by my brother, instead of the Nirvana cd's I asked for.

2.Were you introduced to it by an older sibling or friend and if so how?

Yepo. My brother. He is 8 years older than I.

3.What sort of clothes,recreation or behaviour do you use or do to define yourself as a metal head.

I occasionally wear band shirts. Usually at the least appropriate times, like weddings. I too own puremetalwear gear.

4. what needs to you think are being met by being a metal head.

I only care about the music. It is great to share this interest with other like minded people, leading to new friendships and evil alliances.

5.What defines you as a metal head?

Music, beer and titties.

6. What bricolage do you use to show to society that you are a metal head?

I don't go in for the whole 'metal as an image' thing.
I am who I am.

7.What of the following 5 basic needs are met by being a metal head and how? Survival,Power,Freedom,Love & Belonging

Freedom, love and belonging.

8. Do you have any final comments regarding you as a metal head to add?

Nope. Carry on..