I need your help


Jul 26, 2005
New Zealand
I've had this damn tune stuck in my head for months because I can't for the life of me figure out who it might have been by.

it could be power, folk, or melodic black metal, or it could be neofolk or something non-metal like that, I really can't remember at all.

does anyone recognize this tune at all?
(I knocked it out in a sequencer from memory, a couple notes are off, but if you've heard it before you'll know)


any help appreciated :cool:
got it: Hammerfall - hero's return




you fuckin legend!!!!

the damnedest thing is I haven't had that album on my PC for about 14 months, never gave it much of a listen, only kept Crimson Thunder the song from it, and never remember giving it another listen...

fuck I'm so glad you figured that out for me before I went thought all the songs on my computer WHERE IT ISN'T EVEN LOCATED!#@%@ goddamn

thanks so much bro!