I need your vote! Videogame Interpretation Contest


Jun 2, 2010
Brasília - Brazil
A good friend is participating on a local competition here in Brasil witch consists in interpret a video game song.
Don't look for production/sound wise, since he recorded without knowledge, but I think he deserves to win!

Please, go to http://www.gamemusicbrasil.com.br/?page_id=456&v=222 and click the green button "votar" to give him a vote, and insert email to confirm!

If you don't want to vote, no problem, but check his video (nice solo from 2:26):

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WHAT A CONCIDENCE, I just learnt the Chrono Trigger 600 A.D. World Map theme in piano this morning since I had 2 free hours, then I saw this thread wow. I love old videogame music, specially chrono trigger. Voted.