I never thought getting stuck in a thunderstorm at Jones Beach...


Apr 29, 2001
Long Island
Could be so magical. I got soaked but it was worth it. And it was ozzfest to boot. There's nothing quite like the part in Painkiller, "a savior comes from out the skies" with a perfectly timed lightning bolt filling the sky. Same in the song Black Sabbath as another one struck right in the beginning after that thunderous opening. Note should be made of the video during Sabbath's opener War Pigs also. Bold move comparing Bush to Hitler. Same Shit, Different Dictator, I believe the caption was.

just felt like sharing that.

Hey there's some thunderstorms out here too, they must be INVADING THE ENTIRE CONTINENT.
just for the record ... the Jones Beach theater is the worst place to see a show ... no beer ... shitty sound ... and lame layout ... great for gay pop bands ... real shitty for metal.
DrudgeReport.com is reporting that BLACK SABBATH are opening their shows on the Ozzfest 2004 tour with the song "War Pigs", featuring a video portrait comparing President Bush to Adolf Hitler.

The video featured Bush and Hitler on the same screen, with the caption: "Same shit different asshole," says a DrudgeReport.com source. Footage of bombs dropping and Hitler marching flashed as Ozzy screamed and guitars screeched.

SABBATH also flashed a picture of Bush with a clown nose, caption: "The White House Circus."

Other bands in the Ozzfest lineup, such as BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, expressed support of the war.

BLS lead singer Zakk Wylde told the crowd in a profanity laced tirade against the terrorist: "Those fuckers crashed the planes into the Towers."

The concert featured a few dedicated songs to the our men and women serving overseas.

So does anyone know if this video is available for download anywhere?
JayKeeley said:
Other bands in the Ozzfest lineup, such as BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, expressed support of the war.

BLS lead singer Zakk Wylde told the crowd in a profanity laced tirade against the terrorist: "Those fuckers crashed the planes into the Towers."
WHat a dumbass. Last time I looked, Saddam didn't have anything to do with 9/11.

Plus, BLS sucks.
Yeah, as much as I liked Zakk on two Ozzy albums (No Rest for the Wicked & No More Tears), he really is a dumb redneck. Thing is though, that's his whole image, so I wouldn't expect anything different. It's the whole confederate "Southern Rock" crowd.
I'm SOuthern. I love Southern Rock. THat's no excuse for blind stupidity.

Did I mention his music sucks?
Have you heard his newest album? It's nothing like the other BLS albums I've heard and its pretty good. Very relaxing.

As for the political stuff, my stance is "shut the hell up." If I go to a concert it's to listen to music, not to see anti-war video or hear pro-war ramblings. Believe what you want, write about it in your lyrics if you want to, but other then that, shut the fuck up and play. I guess you could make a case that it's their show and they can say and do as they please, but I'd rather enjoy a good time with some good music then hear political propaganda.
So who stole the show at Ozzfest then? Is the tour still going strong? With all honesty, based on the fact that Judas Priest can't play as fast as they used to, I can't imagine anyone topping this band (see pic) at the festival. A live show doesn't get much better than this, especially if they do RiB in its entirety:


Here's the link to all the pics from Rolling Stone: http://www.rollingstone.com/photos/gallery?start=0&range=12&id=6355677&pageid=rs.PhotosGallery&pageregion=mainRegion
Ozzfest was just here the other day, I forgot / didn't care. I did see Slayer at Ozzfest in '96, they of course RULED.

Zakk Wylde kicks ass when he does the southern stuff like with Pride and Glory, but I never got into BLS. What I've heard is cool, but not worth pursuing really.
I would go to Ozzfest if it wasn't a ripoff. Not only does it not come to my state but for some reason goes to New Mexico ( :tickled: ) but I refuse to pay $75 to see 3 or 4 bands I like when a usual show is about $15 for 3 bands.
NAD said:
Zakk Wylde kicks ass when he does the southern stuff like with Pride and Glory, but I never got into BLS. What I've heard is cool, but not worth pursuing really.

Get "Hangover Music Vol. VI" immediately. It's an incredibly mellow, beautiful album that is nothing like I've ever heard from BLS. I thought "The Blessed Hellride" was good, but this album is excellent.
I take it it's southern rock? If so I'll definitely pick it up, I dig that shit.

I think Ozzfest tickets went for halfprice out here the past few weeks due to low sales, either way I didn't bother. Oh well.
NAD said:
I take it it's southern rock? If so I'll definitely pick it up, I dig that shit.

I would probably download a couple tracks and give 'em a listen first. Something like "Queen of Sorrow" and "House of Doom" are some of the more "upbeat" tracks on the record while most of it is just great mellow stuff. "No Other" is also one of my favorites.

Basically, it's the last thing I expected. It drops the funky beer-chugging riffs for a more classic sound. I'd definitely say it leans more towards southern rock, but its hard to describe. I think Papa Josh has it and has praised it here, so maybe he can elaborate.
ok .. get ready to flame me ... I am actually really digging the new Lacuna Coil release, Comalies ... I hear they are on Ozzfest this year
Lacuna Coil are alright, yeah. I like Comalies, and Evanescence owe them big time.

The male singer needs to be shot though. He is such an overhead.