I plugged the Maidens...

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Hey gals!

I wore the black Iron Maidens shirt to the Bone Bash! Several people asked about the shirt, and hopefully they find their way here. Next time I should ask for handouts...

And I met some fellow Y&T fanatics!


BTW, the show was awesome!!! Note to future show organizers. DO NOT have Journey (or anyone else for that matter) play after Joe Satriani... Journey's guitar work sounded pale by comparison (and I like Neal's solo albums too!)

Anyways, I mentioned you gals to one of the Bone DJ's (and your efforts r.e. getting a SF gig - I talked to the guy that does the metal show I *think*). They sounded rather interested in talking to you... you may want to get in touch with them about an interview or something. ;)

I just had to say, there just something that sounds very salacious about the title of this thread. :p