I recorded a young band a few months ago..


Aug 2, 2007
... and everybody loves them.

They couldn't play with a click and I had to really help them get everything together so it would be at least listenable. We teared through 6 songs in 1 day and 1 evening session totalling 13 hours.
I am old enough to remember early Suicidal Tendencies and SOD etc but these guys have really caught the younger generation here in Ireland and are packing gigs.
I suppose you can't fake youthful energy and no amount of skilled playing or editing can compete with it.
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I do miss some punch in the drums, also the guitars could be louder or mixed more in the front. Bring up the cymbals!
That sounds pretty energetic indeed, could still be a bit more "steady".
Not digging the vocals, but I've never liked that kind of shouting too much.

Guitars sound interesting, what was the chain?
And also, was this a live session or overdub (sans vocals)? Seems more like live to me