i saw love/hate and dizzy reeds hookers and blow last night


Sep 27, 2006
they played toads place in richmond. same club megadeth,down and rob zombie played. it was a pretty good show. it wasn't really love/hate. it was just the singer jizzy pearl with dizzy reeds backing band hookers and blow playing. jizzy was in shape, energetic and still sounded about the same as he did in the early 90's which surprised me because he's close to 50. dizzy reed joined them on the last 2 songs.heres the setlist from what i remember not in any order
spinning wheel
yucca man
why do you think they call it dope (dizzy on keyboards)
highway to hell
blackout in the redroom (dizzy on keyboards)
mary jane
one more round
shes an angel
die (as a 3 piece with jizzy on guitar)

i could have missed a few songs or confussed a few especially from the first album because i haven't heard some of the songs in years as my cassette broke a long time ago. i'm surprised they didn't play "lets rumble" and "wasted in america"

dizzy reeds hookers and blow was cool. dizzy is a good keyboard player and his singing reminds me of axl's lower register which is funny as you'll notice what GNR songs the setlist consists of. dizzy slightly resemables axl and appeared in better shape than when he first joined GNR.i can't remember who was on drums but legendary bass player chuck wright was the bassist the whole show and alex grossi was the guitar player.setlist was in no order and i could be forgetting a song
its so easy
dust n bones
ziggy stardust
pretty tied up
don't cry
medley:instrumental/the second half of estranged
bad obsession
used to love her (dizzy on guitar)
knockin on heavens door (mike foster of firehouse on drums)
patience (just keyboards and dizzy singing until the end of the song)
sweet child o mine
paradise city (jizzy on co lead vocals)

all in all it was a fun show. it was a cold and really rainy night in richmond. it was in the 40's by 8pm when the doors opened. there were still between 150-200 people there which i'm sure the weather played a part in keeping some people away. also love/hate has a cult following and dizzy reed isn't really famous so i'd say that was a good crowd. there was even 2 young guys there just to see chuck wright play bass. sad thing is a i heard the crowd was bigger than at the w.a.s.p. show