
New Metal Member
Nov 24, 2005
"I SUCK GIANT BULL TESTICLES" - I actually don't, that was just to grab your attention!!:loco:

my name is davey raphael. I am from melbourne, Australia. I was born on august 8th 1992, which makes me 13! I started listening to metal about a year ago and now i can't get a-fuckin-nough of it!!!!(and love it!!).

My favourite type of metal would have to be Power metal/progressive metal, with a bit of thrash in it!!!
My favourite bands in order are
Children Of Bodom (of course)
Iron Maiden
Motorhead & Slayer (equal)
and all the rest don't matter (hehe!).......

I have a band with me and three other friends in it.... we haven't decided on a name, but any suggestions would be awesome!

anyway i wana be an active member of these forums and hope to have a fuckin' awesome time!!!!:headbang:
Go with a cheesy black-metal type name that is ridiculously long like:
Howling Cryogenic Winds Sweeping Through Obsidian Mountians of Misanthropy
- or -
Emo-core bands have really silly long-ass names like:
Slitting My Wrists With a Dull Spork While Whimpering In My Closet in the Fetal Position
Also, you could just become another in the long line of "anal" bands (Anal Cunt, Anal Blast, Anal Birth)
Here's some ideas:
Anal Petting Zoo
Anal Basket Weaving
Anal Church
Anal Nutsack (a play on Anaal Nathrak)
Anal Day Care
Anal Anus
Anal Chainsaw Juggling
There's all the band name ideas I got for ya...
Ganymede said:
Anal Petting Zoo
Anal Basket Weaving
Anal Church
Anal Nutsack (a play on Anaal Nathrak)
Anal Day Care
Anal Anus
Anal Chainsaw Juggling
i will use them for songs!!:loco:
haha anal chainsaw juggling