
New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
Can anybody help me out please?

compression limiting and effect tips?

like what sort of delay what sort of reverb.

like people always say use your ears which i do ALL the time but i feel im miles away from where i want to be and i dont know where to start!!

any help would be amazing
You could probably use search function...

use a 1176 plugin all buttons in, compress til the needle don't move, i usually use a limiter like Waves L1 before the 1176 to even it out even more. I like to blend in waves dubbler, makes it wider. Then usually a delay with 8/4. Reverb is hard to generalize that's more about what kind of sound you want to achieve, sometimes i don't even use it on vox. But a hall preset between 1-2sec length usually does it for me.
Staged compression here.

Lead vox:


1176 - taking off up to 7db on the loudest sections, usually I set so the lowest signal just tickles the needle.

la2a - taking off about 2 - 3db max.

Limiter - taking the occasional peak that might be left.

Buss all vox tracks to a stereo buss and parallel compress, about 75%-25%.

Automation to suit.

Works with any style of vocals, clean or cookie.
An 1176 is the industry standard compressor for vocals. The Waves Blue Stripe is best suited. Ratio on 4 will be enough and you can have over 5dB on gain reduction without making vocals too compressed. It will also add a nice color to the tone.

Personally I use the Renessaince De-esser by Waves to limit the SSSSS. Then a PULTEC (Waves Puigtec) to boost the highs to get that breathy tone. Amazing stuff... try it out.
I love this combo:

1176 bluestripe

with some slight eq maybe a hp anywhere from 80 to 150 and a slight highend boost for some air.

Delay is usually H-Delay with a quarter note or 8th note setting. Hipassed at 200hz and lopassed at 1.5k.

Verb I may or may not use depending on what I am going for. Sometimes I use Rverb if I want a more arena type of sound going, but for the most part I am not real big on verbs for vocals.
My clean vocal chain (just what I dig on my own voice):

Opto comp as an insert, slammed to fuck and back.
I do use the roll off on the mic as it does a good job dumping out what I don't need so I don't usually eq my voice.

Send to a buss with a multi delay first fallowed by a reverb. Both dialed in to be fairly un noticeable (if it sticks out then I know I over did it). The multi delay is set to fallow the tempo of the song so it's only noticeable during really quiet parts or automated off when it's to noticeable

Basically got the idea from the lamb of god stems and a few other stems I have heard, just tweaked it to my needs.