I think i can finally name my UNO NUMERO, #1, FAVOURITE band.


Boogies Woogies
Nov 27, 2002
MillPark, Victoria, Australia
:headbang: ENTOMBED :headbang:

if u haven't heard these guys then CHECK THEM OUT

they are a heavy aggressive kinda stoner band.

i know for sure that Southy would LOVE Entombed.

i made a topic on this but i'll just say it again in here, go to stonerrock.com and click on the mp3 jukebox to get some Entombed mp3's that have the full songs but are are only between 1-1.5 mbs big :headbang:
I checked and I have Morning Star, which rocks, Wolverine Blues and Sons Of Satan, they are good, but rather one dimensional :)
Earth always play Star Condemn'd tracks here, I think last time they played a gig by themselves in canberra they played for nearly 2 hours.

That included most of each cd and 3 covers.