I think I chose the wrong career ... car talk


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
probably it will be me and nad talking here but you have to see this !!!

holy shit ... holy shit ... the last laugh is on the US and the rest of the world. not that we did not know but the real playa playground is in Dubai

this thread speaks for itself ..


wow, just wow

ok, discuss whatever ... that dude has a hot wife!!!
hot chicks ya, but cars are meh. They get me from point a to point b, and hopefully wont break down in the process. ;)
dubai is pretty much the land of Spoiled Rotten Bishes, and now michael jackson. but fuck all that, i came to talk shop. :loco:

i have a video of that ATOM car (that's the $30k australian bit, right?), the thing is FUCKING AMAZING. it outhandles pretty much everything other than an Enzo, and that includes bikes. christ.

i saw one of those benz mclarens on the street once, pretty much the sexiest car since the gullwing.

hooray! finally a subaru at the bottom of his post. :D

i tell you what man, i would perfectly content with 3 cars. an everyday race car like a WRX, RSX, Skyline, etc., something exotic like an older Countache or 911, and then an old muscle car like a Firebird. i doubt i'll ever own an exotic, but as soon as i get a house i'm buying an old 'bird to work on. and i already have a WRX so i'm cool with that part. :D

edit: if you dudes aren't drivers, you simply won't understand. :Spin:
fist time I have seen that ATOM or heard about it ... will have to look into it

I agree on the exotics. Seen so many Lambos and Ferraris here, but the Ferrari hands down has the most addictive engine/exhaust sound. Lambos sound downright wimpy next to them.

for the future ... shit ... would love to be able to one day afford an Aston Martin for example ... actually a downright innexpensive $110K model is coming in a few months that just looks sweet.

of course to own one of those there are other things i would need to buy first ... like a house for a couple of mil, a proper shirt, and maybe a $10K watch ... otherwise, I would look like a fool. :lol:
i read an article in playboy or maxim once with a bunch of "ballers" (i still don't know the connection of this term to money unless you play basketball), and they said the first thing you do as a filthy rich young male is to buy an expensive watch.

man, fuck that. it took me 3 weeks to work myself up to spend $60 on my fossil. :loco:
most expensive watch I had so far was $700 street price ... got it for $300 on eBay ...

there is something nice about these things on your wrist.

also ... with most things that are expensive and exclusive resale value is always good even years down the line. so they are a decent investment while you can be a playa.
i wouldn't consider $300 or even $700 to be ridiculous, it's the $8,000 ones that i think are just dumb. then again if you're pulling in several million a year, that's pocket change.

i'll never be rich, i'm too lazy to even play the lottery.
yep, that's the video i saw. that car is fucking amazing. i don't have the skills/balls to drive it at 10/10ths though, it'd be a waste on me unless i practiced more.

fuck, i haven't gone on a nice drive in aaaaaaaages. even up to the mountains this weekend, i was passenger in my bro's damn pickup truck.