I think I need to stop smokin'


Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
Stoned, zoned out, opened up garage band and played around with the midi for a while. came out with this weird little shindig. Its actually a song i wrote with real guitars and all that stuff...but i got bored and ended up tabbing the whole thing out in tabit and dropping it into garage band and this is what i came up with lol. Lemme know what u think

Pretty ridiculous dude, though it sounds like it could have some potential if it sounded, you know, normal :D And fuck yeah rattlesnake thing hahahahaha (I have no idea what that instrument is actually called :lol: )
There any reason why you were playing more than 1 note per minute while you were stoned? >:{
I hate writing when im high because, as i said before, I tend to get TOO complex and then when i go back at it sober it just never seems to work out well. Its like 2 personalities battling each other haha