I think I'm sick...

Rosa Negra Imortal

love never dies
Jun 13, 2002
Jardim da Saudade
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I can't believe, but this week I noticed that I can't stand listening to heavy stuff...and don't know why...
Maybe I need to give a break...(I hope so)

By the way, up to now I could only listen to dance, pop stuff, classical music and other styles more softer.

Did you ever face a situation like this somewhere in your life?

P.S: Please, don't tell me this is a off-topic thread...my thread is about fellings related to music. If you have something new or different to tell about Opeth, please, you're welcome.
The occassional break is neccessary, I find. Not with any particular regularity, but just sometimes. Listening to insane people yelling can get a bit much, then it's time to pull out recent stuff by Ulver, Paradise Lost etc to chill out for a while. Usually only lasts a day or two though.
I just posted a similar thread because:
I feel exactly the same!

My Bloodbath, old Amorphis and Edge of Sanity albums sounded so wrong this week, and I don't know why! Maybe I'm going off metal.....

Ahh well, still got my Opeth (could never go off Opeth), Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd, Nightingale and A Perfect Circle to keep me busy. Must have been that rave I went to this week, made me realise metal isn't dancable or groovy enough, I know it shouldn't neccessarily be like that, I'm just beginning to enjoy beats.
You're not alone man. I have periods when I don't listen to heavy music that lasts(the periods) for weeks(I must be sick huh?).
The last two weeks I've just listened to Nick Drake, Nick Cave and the bad seeds, and lots of other songwriter music.
Hello guys.....Yeah, I know that sometimes we need a break and this is what I'm doing now listening to Ulver (Perdition City...cool album).
I just wanted to know if the same could happen to you because I know many heavy metal guys and it seems that they're never sick and tired of listen the same stuff everytime, so, that's why put this thread here...just curious.
About the board: I have just put that P.S because I saw that many people here get bored because of my off-topic posts. I don't want to destroy the board or turn everything here into a mess.I do off-topic threads just to leave the commom place, do you know what I mean?Should I go to the off-topic board? Maybe, but I can't. I consider this Opeth board my home, it's difficult to explain...I only feel myself confortable here...
So, that's it...

: o )

(background music "lost in moments")
Yep, I know exactly what you mean and I occasionally need a break from metal as well. Usually albums like Peridition City (one of favourites, even counting metal) and Porcupine Tree's Recordings are what I need then. But sometimes the "sickness" may be so bad that I need music that just empties my brains - like psy-trance.
Your not sick, you are very healthy, hehe. It gets kind of boring after a while just listening to the same type of music all the time. Variety is good. Why do you think so many musicians form side projects...it's cause they want to express their other musical interests or likes without getting bashed for changing the sound of the band they are in.
When I can't take it no more, I put on the most heavy and insane
shit I have instead. Old grindcore or stuff like Darkthrone and
Mayhem only. That'll snap me out of it.
This appeals to my soul, and it has to be this way for me to
get back on track.....
Well I have never, NEVER gotten tired of metal as whole for any length of time, but I do get tired of different sub-genres, especially during certain times of the year. For example, I very rarely listen to black metal during the summer. Most of my Dissection, Dimmu Borgir, At the Gates, etc. does not get played when the sun is blazing. More of a dreary weather music, maybe because of where it comes from. :)

But I do not listen to metal all the time. I enjoy Radiohead, Bach, Beethoven, Future Sound of London (mellow techno/electronica group), Pink Floyd, etc. quite often. Perhaps this is why I never got sick of metal because I always had something else to listen to when I wished!
I go through the same shit too. I listen to so fuckin' much metal that I gotta take break from it and enjoy other types of music. So, no not a damn thing is wrong with you.
this is really really common...just remember to mix up your music tastes....maybe listen to some more proggy stuff. What you're goin through is just a phase, listen to what makes you happy, eventually that stuff will go back to heavy.
I often have moments and times being NOT in the mood for metal (when I do, it mostly is progressive - very seldom basic death for example). When my mood isn't for metal, I usually listen to progrock or various techno/electronica-stuff. :)