I think the name of the new album should be changed.........


New Metal Member
May 6, 2003
I wanted to share the plight I've had the past few days with everyone...

check this out....

mtv.com; vh1.com; pollstar.com; knac.com; metalupdate.com; prickmag.net; absolutmetal.com; imotorhead.com; iconfan.com; thesyn.com; havochate.com; artistdirect.com; modernmusicandmore.com........

every one of these websites list one of the stops on the tour in rochester, NY on may 12, with motorhead, havochate and erase the grey at the Penny Arcade. It turns out that this is not the case, and anthrax will not be performing at this show.


I have been waiting for anthrax to come to western new york for years. they were off the Maximum rock tour about a week before the scheduled date here, and they have not played western new york since i believe 1995 with sepultura. I was planning on burning the new album, but then decided to support the band and purchase the cd. I dont understand why western new york has been shafted by anthrax for so long. My excitement for the show has turned to great disappointment. How can so many websites report false information? I dont want to sound like im bitching but this really sucks!!!! I am going to have to seriously think about my loyalty to this band. the new album is entitled "We've Come For You All." It should be changed to "We've Come For You" because they are not coming for us in rochester. I guess we are not a part of the "All".

with Iron Maiden skipping this area this summer, the demise of the Metal Gods tour, and this anthrax news, it definitely is not a good time to be a metalhead here in western new york.

new album kicks ass by the way.
I can certainly understand your pain, but I got ya beat! Living in Salt Lake City Utah, about the closest I can hope for is that Anthrax plays Denver which is about a six or seven hour drive. I actually plan on doing this if they make it to Denver! Geez, I might be better off trying to catch them in Arizona! But I know that Bratprincess always complains that they don't go there either so my options are very limited. I guess when I'm a millionare I can fly to where they are playing! :Spin: But, that's what I get for living in Utah! Ofcourse, Limp Bizkit and all those other shitty new metal bands always find a way to make it here! :ill:

I do understand your plight though, GOD their from New York! You'd think they play that one, but perhaps they'll make up the show!


Actually, Aug, they'll be here on the 28th or 29th, I forget which.

As for western NY, I grew up on Long Island where no one but local bands play unless you plan a trip to the city which is only possible if your mother isn't convinced you will be raped and killed somewhere along the way, and she won't let you go with male friends who would look out for you because boys only want one thing, and why don't you turn that down for god's sake, I can't hear myself think, you can't even hear what they're "singing", if that's what you want to call it...er...wait a minute...

As for why so many places get false information, it's called a rumor, you might have heard a few about Anthrax the last few years. ;) Yes it sucks, but it happens. There were two false ones before they ended up getting a Phoenix date, and Phoenix isn't exactly popular either, but boy does it bring in the nu-metal (conspiracy with Utah, I think). But I wouldn't go on about changing the name of the CD or anything.

They play plenty of places in the city and upstate, and NJ, so what if it's not exactly your area, get in your car and drive a bit.
rumors suck really bad. the media pisses me off. I mean....who would not want to come to buffalo?? you can play in the snow, eat some chicken wings (nobody has wings like buffalo does) and ride over the bridge to canada to some of the greatest strip clubs in the world!!
due, quite whining. try living in alberta Canada where we seldom get any good concerts. plus im fighting a foot of snow and havent been able to get the cd yet, so just stop it. be happy with good music, get in a car if you want to see it that badly. at some point i may have to fly to see anthrax. "i may have to question my loyalty to this band" jeez, what a crock of crap!
due, quite whining. try living in alberta Canada where we seldom get any good concerts. plus im fighting a foot of snow and havent been able to get the cd yet, so just stop it.

Don't forget having to put up with the Bigfoot, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, wild hockey pucks that kill people in arenas, a free but obsolete health-care system, and not having a Stanley Cup in Canada since '93...yeah! Long live America Jr.!

Btw, I'm sooooo going to win that Montreal tickets contest!
tattooedsean666 said:
They are headlining gigs so for the Utah, and Colorado people come to the desert :)

Okay. bRaT- Tell your husband that some guy you met on the internet is coming to stay with you May 28th, take you to the Anthrax concert while he breast-feeds Tonya, and will leave your house on the 29th.:)
Dude, stop yer fuggin whining.

If Anthrax come to Australia, and that's if, they probably wont play in my hometown, so I'll be driving 9 hours to Melbourne each way.

You people over there are spoilt. Next thing you'll be whinging that they're not playing in your living room for fucks sake.
look I am not looking for answers or apologies. i just think that it is pretty fucked up that when the anthrax/motorhead tour comes to my town, anthrax is not a part of it. motorhead is playing...................
and if there was some kind of miscommunication or whatever, shouldnt the band be pretty pissed off that some fool who thought they knew what they were talking about led some fans think that anthrax was going to be playing when in fact it was never even going to happen?

why am i being crucified for being a fan? wouldnt you be pissed off if this happened to you?
You don't have any idea if they're pissed or not and you're not going to, so if that's what you're looking for, you can give up now. There are plenty of dates that were fucked up as far as whether or not it was just Motorhead or both, so it's not like you're the only city that got screwed or confused or anything. No one is saying it's right or wrong, but it's something you just have to deal with. It's not like the guys sat around plotting against NY.