i totally just filled out a 39-question sheet about my sexual and disease history!

also, i avoided eating much of anything so as to experience much swirling and dizziness (akin to the new kayo dot cover, only with more color), but feel normal, not unlike standing in line at the grocery store with a kid poking me in the arm. I do, however, have a cool sticker that says "BE NICE TO ME - i gave blood today."

SEM1 UNAPPRECIAT0 (the sticker keeps it from MUCH0 UNAPPRECIAT0).
yeah, they said wait 4 hrs to drink alcohol and like an hour or two to smoke. what a timeto be a non-smoker! and i wish i still had that 6-er at my desk. although with no bottle opener, i'd only be frustrated.
you go through all of that, they test your iron level, and then they give you this paper with two UPC stickers on it- one for YES and one for NO and you have to take a sticker and put it on the form saying you believe they should actually use your blood. then the other sticker you put on another piece of paper so they don't know which one you put on the form saying whether they should use it. it's all cryptic- like, "Oh, i went through all this testing and stuff and now i feel guilty because i lied on the questions about my sexual past and think you shouldn't use my blood so this is the easiest way for me to get out of it without looking like an ass."

the brownies were good, but a bit gooey.