I use 6 string guitars, passive pickups, standard tuning and 9s. Am I gay?

Oct 16, 2010
So yeah, just a general consensus.

Just wondering if I'm on my own here... ?

And also, I'm just fucking bored, stuck on my lonely ass on a Friday night.
Only because of the string gauge! My main axe is a tele in E string 10-46, with singles. I have one axe with EMG's and one I'm going to be putting a p-90 style set in... horses for courses.
I use a G&L Strat with singles.. and a set of 10's in Eb... so you are def. not alone on the not using EMGs
Hahaha wow. A very conclusive stance on my choice of strings!

I use 9s for a few reasons... Mainly, 'cos of floating bridges. I can't really be fucked to set-up my guitars again and also, I'm a shredder, and light strings equals good in my opinion.

I do use hybrids on my fixed bridge guitar. Ideally, I'd use hybrids on all of them, I'll get round to that some day.

I've been playing guitar for like 15 years and 10s still hurt my poor little fingers :p

And my acoustic has 13s on, and I struggle to barre some chords 'cos of the tension.

I'd take playability over tone any day.
I do have a rather nice set of limited edition EMG 81s (nice and shiny silver). I stuck them in my bro's Ibanez RG 'cos I didn't really have any other guitars that needed upgrading.

I got it back from him the other day, he rarely plays. The whole thing looks like shit now. Looking forward to giving it a make over and rewiring the fucked selector switch.

I'm also very keen to hear how it sounds. It's been about 6 years since I've played it!
Nope. I use a Squier Affinity Telecaster in E, with hybrid 10's, and a Gibson humbucker. I'm hoping to buy the new Fender Telecaster with dual humbuckers, and a classic Telecaster look. It's fucking awesome.
Nope, not gay at all. You describe Paul Gilbert's (and a lot of other "shredder's") axe setup to the 't', and I don't consider that gay at all. (unless you ram it up a dude's ass that is) :D

Just noticed your join date is really recent. Welcome by the way.
I can't do vibrato well with anything other than 9-42. I guess call me a pussy too, but I just seriously can't get 10-46 to work. The vibrato and 5 semi tone bends I do are just painful with that string gauge.
Although these days I use 7 strings, I was never a down tuned type of guy.
Drop D yes, but I never did the whole C standard thing or whatever.
Works for some guitarists/bands, but Opeth and Sylosis have proved you can be HEAVY AS FUCK in E standard. If anything, the tightness that not down tuning provides makes it sound even heavier sometimes.
I just use B standard with my 7 strings (9-42+59 gauge strings), so I can still play along to Opeth, Megadeth, Metallica, Foo Fighters, whatever really.
The low B is plenty low. Some guitarists like to do this whole crazy G#, even G standard on their 7 strings, but it's not for me.
Yeah totally, I play in drop C with 10-60 gauge strings and have done for a while, so I've built up my finger strength to be used to the tension and thickness of the strings but I played on my gf's standard-tuned guitar with 9-42s this morning and I was smashing the hell out of them at first and bending all over the place but after a while it was awesome. I wanna get a guitar that I can leave in standard tuning all the time just to play sylosis riffs on, haha.
Yeah totally, I play in drop C with 10-60 gauge strings and have done for a while, so I've built up my finger strength to be used to the tension and thickness of the strings but I played on my gf's standard-tuned guitar with 9-42s this morning and I was smashing the hell out of them at first and bending all over the place but after a while it was awesome. I wanna get a guitar that I can leave in standard tuning all the time just to play sylosis riffs on, haha.

Wish I didn't suck enough, otherwise I'd play Sylosis too :erk:
Josh Middleton is just way too good.
The riffs I can handle some of the time, but as soon as the solos come in, I just want to throw the guitar in frustration :lol:
I played 9's after i broke my scaphoid bone.. but after i got used to playing again i had to switch up to 10's.
Getting the intonation right with 9's is a bitch because they flex so easily. ;X