I want a beer popsicle

BloodyScalpel said:
Like....an industrial one?

Like this one

a regular freezer will work just fine. as long as it FREEZES stuff. theres not enough alcohol in beer to keep it from freezing
I never had problems with frozen beer. Like I had with frozen coca cola or shit.
I never tried to intentionally freeze it, but...
-Gavin- said:
Alcohol freezes at a much lower temperature than water. (-117)

yea...but the 5% or so alcohol content in beer doesnt make it freeze at much less than 30F. and most freezers are set to around 0F anyways
The Soulforged said:
you jsut asked an american to use celsius, it isnt gonna happen, we cannot comprehend the conversion equation
That's cause americans are such idiots. Celsius works and makes sense, whereas fahrenheit uses mistery mixtures as points of reference.

EDIT: You don't need to memorize any equation :erk:
The Soulforged said:
you jsut asked an american to use celsius, it isnt gonna happen, we cannot comprehend the conversion equation

its not that we cant....its that we dont care enough to be bothered to
BloodyScalpel said:
thank you and good night.
Make sure to bring your nitrogen freezers for this evening.

I cant trsut this, Ive had beer freeze on me before.

now the thing is...The beercicle will work, BUT, it will be the biggest wste of beer in the history of popcicles. It will freeze, but the alcohol will separate from the beer vio those holes the guy made. Non-Alcoholic beer pretty much, and the mixture will be messed up so it will taste terrible.

It worse sorta on cans of soda. Put one in the freezer, and the sugar and caffen and shit will separate from most of the water, and is downright gross.