I want my enemies CD


Mar 29, 2003
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:yell: I just got back from the record store here In Evansville,IN. they dont have the new Nevermore cd and said its something I would have to order :ill: I had my whole friday plained too, we are going to Cincy the 18th to see fates warning, queensryche,and dreem theater at annies..and I was going to play Enemies of reality to whole trip there :Smug:
ghostwriter said:
!:OMG: damn what a dumb dick I am , "july 29th" why did I think It was the 17th???????? !:waah: :bah:

Good Morning!! Don't you hate when that happens?

It will be worth the wait so hang in there, besides you should order the limited version of it with the bonus DVD for even more killer Nevermore.

The 29th will be here sooner than you think. Unless they delay the bastard again........I don't think so though.:)
dreamingneonblack said:
Good Morning!! Don't you hate when that happens?

It will be worth the wait so hang in there, besides you should order the limited version of it with the bonus DVD for even more killer Nevermore.

how do I order it from half.com or something?