I want to order two Deströyer 666 albums...


one-click buy
Sep 4, 2003
... which ones do I get? I know this has been discussed before but I wasn't really paying attention back then and I certainly won't waste my evening with the search function.
consider getting the "terror abraxas" ep, because while it's only 5 songs, it has some of their very best material ever.

otherwise, uh, "unchain the wolves" and "cold steel..."

or "unchain the wolves" and "phoenix rising"

bit of a toss up really
I've been saying that my first D666 album would be "Phoenix Rising" for a couple of years now but never got it. "I am the Wargod" RUUUUUUUUULES like not much else!
Demilich said:
I've been saying that my first D666 album would be "Phoenix Rising" for a couple of years now but never got it. "I am the Wargod" RUUUUUUUUULES like not much else!

That song absolutly rules!
I think Unchain... comes afterwards. It's way more complex & involved than their other stuff, at least it seems so to me. They all rule in different ways, but for mindless thrashing rifftastic fun, I think he chose the right 2 to get (to start of course).
woohoo... I had 15 Euros left resting on my priceminister account (for ages actually...), and lo and behold one seller offers "Unchain the Wolves" for 12 Euros + 2 Euros postage.

I am the winner.

Thank you all for kind advice
Demilich said:
I've been saying that my first D666 album would be "Phoenix Rising" for a couple of years now but never got it. "I am the Wargod" RUUUUUUUUULES like not much else!
I exactly feel the same. "I am the Wargod" and "The Eternal Glory of War" are fucking killer tracks. So IMO, get Phoenix Rising and any other album first.
I think we've pretty much determined that this band is at least consistently good enough that pretty much any album will do. Anything more is pretty much going to be up to Ellestin's ears!