I was googling for the kittysong

no offensive but thats fucking corny. how about showing love to our album that came out on ROBOTIC EMPIRE in january? i dont think we heard a blip from them about that. i get this impression that there's a group of people out there that only jocked us because we were on tzadik and now that we arent they could give a fuck. but thats the cynic in me.
im just ranting. lthough i do believe there are some people like that out there. im glad you like dowsing! its not so much people liking one album over the other, its the idea that they seem not as interested in whats going on with the band because the album was released on a different label and we are on a different label now. at the same time, obviously we have a lot of fans who respect and love our music and i really do appreciate that. and robotic empire works really hard for us and its awesome.