i watched Miike's "Visitor Q" on DVD last night

im watching Audition later this week...

honestly, during Visitor Q, i kept wondering when they would get to the beastsex, because they sure covered all the other bases. but it never happened.

i hate to be the dork that does this, but i hate miike and bleh. the ending of dead or alive II was something but again bluh. this makes me not want to see visitor q.
So what did you think of Visitor Q? Why the likes/dislikes? I feel Audition is a good film so I'd like to check out his other stuff.
ok, I think Visitor Q was a BAD movie. the only reason I kept watching it was to see if there was any possible way he tied it together so it wasn't just random attempts to be fucked up strung together.

shit, he even messed up the ending--he should've had the daughter and son suckling, not the daughter and husband.

i'll let you know my Miike opinion for sure after i see Audition.
what does the great Goatschool think of Audition? I've been curious to see it, but haven't bothered yet because I don't think my gf would be interested.

we tried to watch Chopper this weekend, but she was definitely not down. def not the uplifting, fun movie she wanted to see.
I enjoyed watching Visitor Q though, not because it was fucked or anything, but just because it was goddamn funny. The thing it left me wondering the most was how faked the sex scene at the beginning was, or if I was watching straight-up porn.
avi said:
what does the great Goatschool think of Audition?

avi i think you hate me.

my opinion on it. erm. the concept was juicy in some aspects but at the same time he could have steered it into total cliche. instead, i felt as though the movie unravelled itself with absolutely nowhere to go. for some reason this annoyed me because it had the potential to solidify and conform to my imperious western philosophies.

it seemed like an exercise in wanky brutality. so i equate his stuff to shitty guitar solos, in my mind.
there is one shock and awe part to Audition. just awesome. and it lasts for all of a 2 second cut scene. i wish i had the exact time it occurs because i would recommend you rent the DVD just for that one scene.

but avi, definitely not something your GF would be into, if that's the case...