I Will Not Be Afraid


Mar 6, 2007
Thanks for listening and commenting D00DZ!!!

no vox but I'm itching to record some

gtrs are settings I found on here a while back from the notes andy posted (I think) on recording Nevermore. Podxtpro amp modeling with GuitarHacks New_IR cab impulse in boogex [hp 110hz, 2-3db midboost 700-800hz, lp 6k]

ghetto bass is podxtpro big bottom with 1x15 thunder cab :yuk::puke:

drums are ezdz imported from fruity loops

I'm not a big fan of the flat mushy bass sound but for now it'll do until next trip and I can bring my bass

Thanks again!!!

GuitarGodgt said:
Sounds good to my ears.
Thanks man!!! If I remember right I read a post of yours a while back and you mentioned using some home-made monitors. Are you still listening with those by chance? I'm wondering how the mix translates on other speaker systems and curious as to the different types of setups it plays on. Thanks again man :kickass:

Habsburgs said:
Sounds good.. hahaha .. 1:18
:lol: I had to listen again because I forgot what 1:18 was and then realized once I heard the bridge. I'm glad you dig it man that section has good groove IMHO. Same as posted above, I'm curious what are you monitoring with? :kickass: Thanks!!!

Radd said:
Sounds good. Song is cool also. Kick a bit muffled maybe.
At first I wasn't real sure about the song overall, I pretty much threw it together for the sake of having something to mix and then the more I got into it the more my creativity flowed, etc.
I totally agree about the kick, it almost has a wet sound somehow with lowend (to my ears anyway). After listening to this one again I'm thinking the whole sound is slightly too compressed for me but then again I've mixed this with the idea of vocals added (in my head) so I try to compensate for what I'd assume the vocal EQ and levels would take up in the rest of the mix... hopefully that came out making any amount of sense :zombie: What's your listening setup like?
I'd love to get some metal vocals on this if anyone is interested in a collab just for fun. Please feel free to post here or PM or whatever...
I don't have any lyrics written, though that wouldn't be a hard problem to fix.