I wrote a song intro, and this is my first "all me" on instruments..


Feb 6, 2008
I tracked the bass, two guitar tracks and my "drum tracks" with addictive drums in Cubase SX3. This is a first try at doing all of the work. Pretty fun and quite educating. Lay it on me.. LOL This link is to an MP3 too, so, there is going to be compression artifacts and such.

Guitar: Peavey Vandenberg neck thru with active PUPs
Preamp: ZOOM G2.1u 5150 model
M-Audio Delta 1010lt
Impulse Response cabs: High-White 50-50 Left JCM800 50-50 Right
Reverb: IK CSR Plate (guitars only)
Bass: Ibanez passive pups through AmpegSVX VST by IK
Drums: Addictive Drums, custom kit
DAW: Cubase SX3 and Reaper (I write the MIDI drums with Reaper)

(original mix link below)

This is my attempt at a re-mix of the above mud!
(Re-mixed link below)
Your mix is insanely bass heavy, what are you monitoring on?

That IS the major problem with my set-up Gibbed, I have to use these Bose HI-FI bookend speakers until I can afford some good flat response studio monitors. I am finding out just how much consumer speakers color the audio signal, even with nice high end ones like these Bose.

Sometimes I will mess around with a mix or a track with it on a loop and after a while it seems as though I can't distinguish what might sound good anymore.. LOL Is this because of the lack of true monitors or something like ear fatigue, I was wondering.... I had a listen to my linked mix after sleeping and I can hear way more mud and distance in the guitars than I could at the time I settled on what I posted.. weird.

Thanks for the input, it is very much appreciated.

not to bash bose or anything but i would not call bose headphones high end. imo they are only "high end" in the consumer world. they are also overpriced imo. anyways a pair of nice headphones would be something like audio technica's ath-m50s. those arent as expensive as monitors and may be a temporary fix because they translate probably better than those bose headphones do and are probably alot closer to a flat response. i wouldnt plan on staying on headphones though.
Well with the pointers I have received on the first mix project I went to work on it and I think it's a lot more up front and clear (drop almost all the reverb out of it). Link to the re-mix is at the top of the thread. Thanks
There's potential there, but the new mix still needs some work. The guitars are buried, and sound over gained to me. I realize you're going for a black metal sound, but I think you would have better luck starting with less gain and adding more until you reach the sound in your head on your final mix. The kick is too up front, and likely has too much bass in it to fit in the mix.
If you are on a tight budget but have access to tools you can build high quality monitors on a reasonable budget. I just finished these, and for $180 in parts they compare well to the Behringer Truths (still low end) monitors I previously had:


Thanks for the link!! This is an excellent alternative to spending a lot of money on monitors it looks like. Thanks for the advice as well. There is never enough of it for me, being new to home tracking and all.